FYI to those navigating to my dedicated LiveJournal page: As of August 2006, I have moved my full-length music-related blog posts off my LJ and onto a dedicated blog,
My LiveJournal,
molanphy, continues as a going concern for smaller, hopefully more freqeunt items, not all of which will be music-related. I will generally continue to keep posts here public but may decide to friendslock a post from time to time. (Feel free to friend me; be warned that I am usually slow to friend back.)
Longtime LJ friends, and all-around friendslist addicts, are encouraged to friend
molanphypop, which my wife
bradamant has helpfully set set up as a syndication of my blog. However, please leave comments at the MolanphyPop blog, not in the syndicated LJ feed.
Additional and much greater thanks should go to
bradamant for setting up the entire WordPress blog for me at MolanphyPop and migrating four years' worth of LJ entires over there, complete with comments. These are the advantages of marrying a woman who's both a babe and a geek.
Anyway, I hope to continue to see you all at both my LiveJournal and at MolanphyPop. Thanks!