Fic a traducir - Primera Ronda

Jan 29, 2008 18:17

¡Primera ronda de traducción! Chicas, escojan que luego se acaban! (O no, pero bueno… xD).

Ya tenemos la autorización, todo gracias a rukia-u

Abajo del título y el resumen se ha puesto el tiempo límite de entrega. Tomarlo en cuenta a la hora de escoger =)

Título: Not mi lover
Autor: Zrina
Summary: Sakura tries to use the fact that she can rebuild his clan to seduce Sasuke away from Naruto.
Tiempo límite: 3 semanas.
Traductora: rukia-u

Título: Recycle
Autor: NoNoWrite
Summary: They promised to start over, no matter how long it'd take. But Sasuke's timing in reincarnation is a bit off and Naruto, being the irrational person he is, gets into loads of trouble because of it. AU. Insane pedo!Naruto I suppose.
Tipo: Multi-chapter. 4 capítulos.
Tiempo límite: 1 semana por cada capítulo. Un mes en total.

Título: Hate
Autor: Simple-Minded Idiot
Summary:...Because everyone knows how special Sasuke and Naruto are. They just don't have hot, raunchy 'sex'. They have hot, raunchy 'hate'sex. Sometimes, occasionally. Every now and then. Just for the heck of it, really. [NaruSasu] [a hint of KyuuMada]
Tiempo límite: 1 semana.

Título: Post Lovemaking, Uzumaki Style
Autor: silverwyrm
Summary: Naruto has issues with Sasuke's lack of communication.
Tiempo límite: 1 semana.

Título: That Night, in the Hotel Room
Autor:Sadie Dragonfire
Summary:In which Naruto sucks at hiding and Sasuke just wants to beat him senseless. Oh, and people want to kill them. NaruSasu
Tiempo límite: 1 semana.

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