Work frustration...

Aug 17, 2006 20:52

These last couple of days have been quite busy. First of all I started working again wednesday, after my summervacation. I had so much waiting for me, and at the same time there are so many who want my help, since my workplace has been going through changes lately, and therefore everyone are so busy. I did say yes to some extra work today, which I need to do for the rest of the year. Now I just don´t know if I have taken to much on my shoulder. I still need to get my own work done.
At the same time the Culture department in my Municipality are seeking an employee. I have considered applying for it, since I know there are good chances I can get it.It is as a secretary, and it sounds pretty cool. I just don´t know what I´ll do. I absolutely love what I work with now and especially the people I work with!, but I only have it until the end of the year, since I am subbing for someone. The thing is though, that there could be a little chance that I could end up staying there, and get a job for good. I am kinda torn, and I have to decide tomorrow!! It sucks.
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