New Years Eve 2008

Jan 20, 2008 19:53

Hey there,

Well, I haven´t posted anything like forever... so when I got some pics from New Years eve, I thought I´d post those. Then you can also see my boyfriend Martin :0)

Martin and I - wearing new years hat....him with his beloved pimp hat....

Martin and others dancing the night away

Everybody having fun... we were 17 people celebrating new years together.... most Martins friends...

A few of us made a quiz where we were dressed weird as you can see....Martin with the pink shirt on....he was wasted at this point...haha...

Martin and I....I look like a snot I know.....

The welcome drinks....she was one of the lesbians....there were one gay couple attending and two lesbian couples.... what a party...

Everyone getting ready to go out and see all the fireworks at midnight....

Looking at the beautiful skye

Hmmm.... well, it´s my sweetheart :0)

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