(no subject)

Jun 25, 2007 19:07

Hey Karly,

Sorry I haven´t gotten around to write a post for like a zillion years. I guess a lot has happened, since I now have a boyfriend. We have been together for 3 months now, and we are doing well.
He lives in another city - Århus - which is about an hour away from here by car, but since I don´t have one, I take the train to visit him, which takes almost 2 hours. It´s a little hard only having the weekends together, since it´s easier to get to know eachother the more time you spend together, but oh well, at least we have the weekends. It´s kinda in the air, that if we decide to be together more, then I would have to make the move. Århus is also a bigger city and cooler. He has a good job working with insurances. He has a lot of great friends up there also. However, it´s still so new, so I am not planning on moving quite yet. Who knows what will happen. Sometimes I don´t want to give up too much. I still have my dreams of moving to usa or London for a period of time, and I have a hard time giving up those dreams - you know, the usual. LOL

He is a picture of him from a few days ago when we went up to a summerhouse up north with some of his friend. We had a little goodbye thing for his friends Josh who is from Australia. He has lived here for a year and is going back home friday. Leaving his danish girlfriend behind

Martin is the dark haired guy

Another one

Also I have a few pictures of my little sweet nephew Cato. He is such a good baby. He is getting bigger and bigger. I love him. Alfa has gotten so big too. Time really goes by so fast. She and I are really close. And I just love that!


Ok, I wanted to post more pictures, but it isn´t really working with me now. I´ll post some more later
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