New Years Eve 2006

Jan 02, 2007 20:49

It was a fun NewYears Eve this year. I celebrated with a group of friends. We were 12 people for dinner, and 4 more showed up later. It was at Helle and Asgar´s place. I have met them through one of my friends and her boyfriend. I have pretty much met everyone before. The only thing that sucked, was the fact that we were two single girls there. Which meant... no NewYears romance for me. But I had a blast, and it didn´t seem like a couples night. They are all a lot of fun.
We watched the queens new years speech at six o clock and then sat down for an amaxing dinner with wine. We partied, and people got drunk. Everyone behaved though, which was a good thing - so no disasters that evening.
At midnight we got champagne, and went outside to get the fireworks started. The guys get pretty crazy around fireworks with alcohol in the blood. Us girls always stay close by, in case they start acting stupid :) But we always stand in the back, cause fireworks gets pretty scary sometimes. It´s like it has a mind on its own.
We partied until 4 in the morning and then some of us went home. Others continued down town.
Here a a few pictures from the evening:

My friend Helle and her boyfriend Esben. Wearing NewYear hats. They were almost the only ones though

Helle and Asger (yes another Helle). The hosts of the party. They move to China for 8 months soon, because of his work as an ingeneer. They are a lot of fun.

Havin great conversations :)

Me with my new hair. It´s an up do though, so you can´t really tell how it looks like.

Everyone starting to get ready to "jump" into the new year. Some do that here I guess. We stand on chairs, if there is any around, and we jump down into the new year.

Getting the champagne ready.

Rune is such a hippie :) He is a lot of fun. All the girls always want to touch his long hair and braid it and such :)

Most uf us end up dancing around in the apartment!

All in all it was a great evening! Even though it would have been nice to get a new years kiss! :) Oh well.
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