Happy Birthday, Lori!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Apr 11, 2009 00:09

Happy Birthday, skycouldfall !!!

Wow...17 sounds old, ne XD This time next year, you're actually coming of age!! XD Otanjoubi omedetou~~

Well, you know these things, but it's your special special day, so I'm gonna say them again. You're such a precious friend that I would never ever ever ever ever want to lose you. You promise, ne? Because I won't be able to live without you ^^ I just won't be me anymore ^^ There almost isn't a day without you in my life. And even if there are these few days on which we don't talk, there is still something even the tinniest thing that is there to remind me of you ^^ You know me so well that you're constantly reading my mind XD I realized it for real during your anon-meme when you replied to my request with "Anon-san you're so totally obvious ♥ " XD And honestly, I don't think I would have been so obivous for anyone else since there was nothing soo special about my request. But you immediately realized that it was me and even if it's the smallest thing it made me realize just how strong our bond is. To sum it up, you complete my day and with that - you complete my life ♥

But enough about me! This is your day XD You're a wonderful person. You may be shy to new people, you may not make friends that easily, but that's what makes you special. Because you value friendship more than anything that's why you choose carefully the people you trust ^^ We have the best inside jokes and that's what I love about us XD I wish you to stay the same awesome person in the future, to be even more open-minded than now, to enjoy even the smallest things in life, because life is beautiful if you welcome everyday with a smile ♥ ♥ ♥

And now~! Don't go just yet, because there is a little special something for you XD

And here for subtitles ^^

I know you don't like them very very much, but this is very important song. That's why there are subtitles (which you can open only with BSPlayer ^__^), because the melody is nice and all, but the most important thing are the lyrics ^__^ Just open it, see it and read the subtitles I've made for you, because they're...just like they were written for us ^^

videos, lori, birthdays

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