Top 10 Asian Boys Meme + someting more

Aug 17, 2008 11:59

So as usual I stole it from skycouldfall 's journal XD But she doesn't :P So..let's see how I've done.

Number Ten
Igarashi Shunji

So...what can I say about him, it's not like I've seen him in so much roles, but I still love him a lot. I was amazed by the way he treated the children in the kindergarten in DD-Boys. Guys, the boy IS hot, really hot *___* But most of all he has such an amazing personality, he is so nice and caring and has that amazing smile, so I just can't not love him ^__^

Number Nine
Wada Masato

Ah, old man Wada XD We all love you, you know. I loved his long and so meaningful entries, because most of the guys just post a picture and 4 or 5 rows with it (some of them even one! *cough*Nagayan*cough*), but he has written so many wonderful things, especially the thing for Kaji's birthday *___* And I loved his fighting spirit in DD-Boys and his great optimism. Most of all he is a man that I really really respect. ♥

Number Eight
Moriyama Eiji

Eiji is Eiji, what can I say XD I am biased since he is in *pnish*, but I have loved him ever since the first Tenimyu. He made such an amazing Momo and had such an amazing voice and danced in such and amazing way that I couldn't help but be drawn by him. Just later when I saw his true self, I really did love him. He is an amazing guy, a great friend, who is always there for his mates, always ready to help and providing support, but never really let it be made a big deal of that. I love you Eiji, never ever change, because you really are amazing ♥

Number Seven
Kaji Masaki

It's ironical that he's my number seven of so many guys, because I actually kinda hated him in the beginning XD Idk, just I was so used to Eiji's Momo and I couldn't accept this new guy for Momo, he didn't seem to play well or sing well in my eyes. Just much latter I discovered what a great actor he is and what amazing voice he has and how he can pull of almost every role, especially the comedian ones. And even more latter I discovered his amazing personality - I just love his honesty and his smile ^__^

Number Six

My first impression of Kime was deffinitely WOW *__* He was (and still is) the perfect Fuji for me and just in the moment when I first heard his voice I fell in love. From all of the guys I've heard singing, he still has the most amazing voice ever and I doubt that this will change anytime soon. When I saw him crying on the graduation and telling the story for Yanagi I found out what an amazing guy he is, I love how he is so gentle and caring and most of all sensitive. Kime, you'll always have a special place in my heart ♥

Number Five
Suzuki Hiroki

Oh, Zukkii ♥ I couldn't ever really see him as Oishi, but I loved the way he tried to do his best, the way he improved his singing so much - in generall I just love the way he works so hard, because he knows his faults, but he never gives up and makes even the impossible to make himself better. Just seeing his smile can brighten my day, because you can see from his entries how caring and nice and loveable he is. Never change, Zukkii and never stop being yourself <333

Number Four
Sano Daiki

It's hard to find my words about this boy...he's the only one of my top ten who hasn't played in Tenimyu, but just that makes him special for me. Because I feel like I know him better than 2/3 of the Tenimyu boys. I actually feel like I know him the most of all of the guys. Because he is the one who I understand most of them I think. Just seeing the way he works so hard like hell to make something out of nothing, to make a group of friends who'll really stay forever together, to make the bond even harder than it is now...he's doing the Leader job. And even though sometimes he doesn't believe in himself, he had managed to make that. I see in him a guy who cares about relationship with his friends most of all, who always has new and new dreams to accomplish, but knows the best that he won't be able to make it without his friends. That's why I love him and never stop being the amazing Leader you are ♥

Number Three
Tsuchiya Yuuichi

Tuti...there are really not enough words to describe just how much this guy and exactly this guy means to me! He may not be in the first place, but of all of them, he just has this special place in my heart...a piece of love reserved only for him. I love everything about him - how he's not perfect at all and smokes like chimney and drinks enough for entire group of people and makes fun of everyone, how he says whatever the hell is on his mind, how he's always so hyper, how his smile is never brighter than when he's with Nagayan, how he can dance and sing...just everything. The strange thing is I didn't pay much attention to him in the beginning too, but with getting to know pnish, I got to know him too and I was drawn by him...When talking about acting skills, for me he's the best actor. He's part of my OTP, he's part of *pnish* and for me, he is the luckiest guy out there for having so much in his life. You'll always continue to have that special place in my heart, Tuti ♥

Number Two
Yanagishita Tomo

This is the first picture I've ever seen of Tomo and at the moment I was drawn by his charming smile. But God believe me, I never thought I'd end up loving him THAT much. That smile can still brighten my day at any time, but I've seen far beyond it already. I can't tell you why exactly he's my second favourite - he's not the amazing actor Tuti is, nor has he such an amazing voice as Kime, nor does he writes such toughtful entries as Zukkii and Wada. But it's just that everytime I see him, my heart jumps with joy. I love his innocence, the way he's trying so hard to be a better actor (and he managed it, he really did!), the way he's troubling himself if he's good enough. They say that he wasn't a good Kaidoh as the others, but I say otherwise. Because he really followed the steps of his amazing senpais and really did his best until the end he never really stopped trying and most of all, he has that great love for Kaidoh that I've seen in his entries and it never fails to amaze me. Words are not good enough for him, so just, Tomo I love you ♥

Number One
Nagayama Takashi

Here I really won't be able to say enough :P From the first moment I land my eyes on him, he has always been my favourite. I have that habit, when someone becomes my favourite, the others may change their places, but he stays my favourite forever. Everytime I see that he has posted I smile, even if he has written only one word I can't understand. He made the perfect Eiji and the perfect half of the Golden Pair. I love how he looks calm and smiles charmingly, but at the same time is almost as big dork as Tuti XD I love the way he works so hard, the way he dressed in such a strange way, but makes it seem cool anyway, the way he smiles that special smile just for Tuti. To sum it up, I love everything about this guy and that's never ever gonna change ♥ ♥ ♥

So now, about what happened while I was away ^__^ OTP, YOU'VE DONE THAT ON PURPOSE!!! One hour, just one hour after I'm gone I recieve an sms from Lori "Tuti posted and guess who is he with on the picture."! And then you just announce the fourth child and I have to wait a week to see the damn pictures!!! But God, am I happy. I could stare at these two pictures and fangirl them for an whole day XD Tuti has this huge smile on his face, like every other time he's with Nagayan ^___^ They're so so so much love *_____* And they're gonna spend even more time together now, because of the baby *____* Even if they don't post about it (which they better do!) just the thought of them being together and just talking and discussing...makes me wanna melt XD Actually I don't know the purpose, but I'm beginning to fall in love with Tuti even more little by little, Idk, he just makes me so happy *__* And just now I realize that he really must by the luckiest and the happiest guy of them all, because he has both *pnish* and Nagayan. What more can one wish for: a group of amazing friends who are always with you and with whom you can share so many things and just be together and apart from that a boyfriend who you love more than anyone ^___^ And an amazing job as well XD Yeah...lucky you, Tuti and lucky me that you exist ^___^

Next: D-Boys on the beach! XD And not just any D-boys...but really why isn't Kaji there too, it'd have been the perfect group XD But I just melted while watching at the pictures ^__^ They were such dorks, but at the same time they were really so happy and having so much fun and they were just themselves *__* Adachi, Yuichi I dare you to post too! XD And while I'm on D-Boys, everytime I return from some trip, Araki has a new haircut XD But it suits him, it really does.

I've also seen the new Hyoteimyu photosets, much thanks for sharing ^__^ They look good like themselves, Mao-chan was really cute, Hirata and Shougo too and I'm beginning to like Furukawa more ^__^ I wasn't really fond of the yukata pictures though. Anyway I feel like Aiba has a lifetime contract with Tenimyu XD 5th cast photosets were more interesting. Our new boy, Ryuuki was kinda cute, but I wanna see the way he plays Ryoma. Please let him be the first Ryoma who can actually sing XD Tsujimoto was such a cutie as always ^__^ And new Eiji...has a big mouth O.o No, I'm not having pervert thoughts, I'm not. I'm interested in the new Momo, he reminds me a lot of Kaji and he seems to have potential, Idk, but I really wanna see him. I was kinda scared by Baba Ryoma by the way XD Inui and Kaidoh seemed good enough, but I have to see them play to be able to say for real.

So at last, I wanna wish a little belated Happy Birthday to the wonderful analineblue ^___^ And congratulations about the wedding too!!! Never stop being so wonderful and be really really happy, cuz you deserve it ^___^

zukkii, adachi, meme, d-boys, birthdays, tenimyu, 5th cast, 4th cast, tutixnagayan, araki, hyoteimyu, pnish, tuti

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