I know I'm one day late but still...Happy 5th Anniversary to all of you and especially to Tuti and Nagayan ♥ First of all, thanks to them for making my life so exciting and making me smile so many times when I wasn't in the mood to do so. They've really made so much for me, even though I'm new in the fandom I can't imagine my life without them now. Thanks to all of you TxN fans out there too, just for being here to fangirl together and for providing us with something every single day. That's really the best fandom ever ^__^ ♥
So I decided to make something even though it can't be compared with the other things that were made and shown here, it's something little but still..there is a fanfic coming too :P Please excuse me if I've wronged some of the years.
I have to post something about *pnish*'s 7th birthday too ^__^ And news to talk about...but I guess that'll wait a little until tomorrow ^__^