Ameer Mansour can't believe he was banned from PKMNcollectors for something as stupid as "abusive language" towards members and moderators. Can you? Here are the unedited Mushroommails in all their hilarity so everyone can decide for themselves if you want to do business with, or be buds
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and i think he keeps trying despite not upsetting me because he's really actually sick. he also really thought he was wrongly banned - for being "mean" - he doesn't seem to understand his banning wasnt a knee-jerk emotional woman response to being attacked in email. it was the appropriate thing to do to protect my community when a simple warning not to be a jackass makes a person explode into expletives and sexist rants.
then he really thought i was lying and scaremongering saying he is a scammer. i think he LEGITIMATELY felt i was doing a disservice to the people by discouraging them to deal with him. so i linked to where we found him scamming, and also to people on the comm who he attempted to scam. so yeah dude you is a scammer, sorry, but i ain't scaremongerin'.
anyways i think that's why he keeps coming back. he's not a troll, he's a legitimately sick bastard. he trolls himself by constantly saying "goodbye gin, you're too ugly and stupid for life" but then emails me ten more times to say it again without getting replies. i even tried in one email to reach out as best i could to him and he just got even more angry and doubled the "uglies". lol. so, there you have it.
I guess I just don't want to believe that there are people like this in the world. I can understand trolls. Even when they say hurtful things, most of the time they don't really believe it; they're just doing it to get a reaction. They remind me of playground bullies, in that regard. At least their actions are logical.
This guy though... I can't wrap my mind around what his motivation is. If you're right and he actually does believe these things... well, let's just say it makes me lose faith in humanity.
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