Jan 10, 2006 14:08
Seriously, fuck 13 hour drives. Never driving to an anime con that far away again. Chicago is far enough. But whatever, it was still a good time.
We got there Thursday about 5 o clock. Farted around for a bit and ended up in the bar talking with some random people. Pulled out my DS and we instantly started an 8 player game of Mario Kart. Fucking awesome, need to do that more often. I discovered a little bit later than one of the guys I was beating and making fun of was Chris Sabat, the voice actor. So that was funny. Chicago people showed up around 9:30, hung out for a bit and then we went to bed.
Got up Friday to register, went by pretty fast. The con was good sized, about 4000 people total. Did the typical con thing; checked out a few panels, hit the dealer's room(Athena, I've got your shirt, I hope it fits). Sat in on the Spoony Bards panel, man those guys rock. Though people ask the dumbest questions. "Do you guys know anything from Final Fantasy?" -_- Night started to roll around and no party had been had yet, so I started talking to some random guys and they invited me up to their room. Got pretty drunk with them, and shortly after I find out that one of the guys is a Nazi. Not just a racist, but I dyed in the wool Nazi. As in he was part of the group that started a race riot in Tennessee a few weeks ago. Also the other guy seemed particularly interested in me, so needless to say I politely excused myself to get out of that situation. Don't really remember anything else noteworthy from that night.
Woke up a little late on Saturday, went back to the random wandering for a while. 5 o' clockish we watch the Spoony Bards actual concert, since they were opening for PeeLander-Z. Good times, and PeeLander-Z is insane. I love those guys. Did more wandering. It was kind of like Anime Iowa, not so much programming that I wanted to go to,plus I didn't know nearly as many people there as other cons so I did that alot. Met some cool people, did random things. Got into a brutal 14 person game of tag. I've still got the cuts and scraps to prove it. Was fun until con security busted it up. Did some more drinking with random people, and then played some GoldenEye for the N64 in the lobby at 5 in the morning. Fun stuff. Then spent the next hour trying to tell this 14 year old girl to leave me alone because I wasn't going to make out with her or have sex or whatever she wanted. God knows why I attract the jail bait so much. It happened all weekend. Spent another hour avoiding the guy from the previous night who was far too interested in me. Hanged out in the artist's alley, as it was open 24 hours. Went to bed sometime around 8 in the morning on Sunday.
Sunday was the typical winding down day. Helping people pack up stuff, saying good bye to all the Chicago people, except Jesus who ended up riding back to Chicago with us. The drive sucked ass, but that was to be expected.
So in the end, it was a very interesting convention. Most of it was far too random at the time for me to properly remember and commit to writing. I may go back again next year, especially because there are no other cons around that time. If I remember more later I may jot them down. But we'll see. So now comes our plans for the future, i.e. Anime Detour and Acen. Detour is first, and Jon and I were planning on going at least. Anyone else interested hit us up. Also got to get cracking on some new cosplays. And that's all I got. As usual, call me if you need anything or just want to hang out.