(no subject)

Jun 29, 2008 22:45

We finally got a lead on a decent apartment today. It's huge. It was advertised as a 2-bedroom, but it's more like 3 and a half, depending on how you divide up the space. We could afford it on our own, but we could easily fit a roommate in there if we found a decent candidate.

It has a few downsides. It's about a hundred bucks more per month than we're paying now. Also, we'd have to pay rent for the month of August on two places (but the landlady would hold the apartment through July for a $50 deposit towards the first month's rent). Heating is spotty and we'd have to rely mostly on electric heat through the winter months, which could get pricey. (We contacted a previous tenant, an old CCS student, and he said the electric bill got as high as $120 a month during the coldest winter months.) Also, it's at the top of a steep hill that's had major construction work done on it for a year or more so far. And it's farther from both our jobs than our current place (0.9 miles versus 0.3).

But the upshots: #1) It's huuuge. #2) They'll allow a pet. #3) It's not really that far. #4) We'd have an entire month to move.

There are one or two more places we're looking at, but we feel pretty good about this place. And it's a pretty big weight off our shoulders. For a while there it was starting to look like we wouldn't be able to find a place we could afford in downtown White River Junction, or that if we did it would have to be super-tiny.

Here is the political cartoon I did for Chelsea Green. If they like it, it will go up on the web site. If not, well, I still get paid. Be kind.

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