Today is, to the pleasure of many, a more chilly day compared to the weather we had to cope with the last days. Apart from being a relief from the ungracious temperatures, I like such rainy, cloudy days more anyway. They show you how the world really is-gray and grubby; they are no façade like sunny ones of which people try to think as nice. What they aren't.
You try to think of them as nice but in reality you only suffer under the heat and the sun. It is easier to slip on a jacket to flee from the cold than do anything to get away from heat, and how many times did we desist from playing some board game outside because it was too bright. And I don't want to start talking about sunburns (you did know that fifteen minutes of sun exposure twice a week are
more than enough for your health?) and heat strokes, algae growing in seas and food going stale. It's just so fucked up to insist that something is good where it obviously isn't.
Actually, that's how most people relate to most of the world. Everything is great and superb and stuff for them, but if you look behind the façade, it is the worst crap of all. I could give some examples, but that would break this very beautiful gray Friday morning.