1.The March Madness Check-in is up at
Craig's blog this morning. Please keep Craig and his family in your prayers, as he's in Japan and things have been looking ugly over there. Also,
Craig has some information posted of how you can help through The Red Cross if you're able to.
2.Thanks so much to everyone for your encouragement on my
Before/After Publication post the other day. It's always nice to remember how much we all have in common.
3. Remember when I mentioned I was organizing my taxes (and how much I hated it?) Yeah, well, my dear, sweet husband came along this week and said, "Oh. Yeah. I forgot to give you all this stuff." I'm not sure I can express on a blog post exactly how I feel about suddenly having to dive back into the murky, suffocating ocean of our tax life.
4. Two little pieces of good news this week: I sent my agent my proposal for FINDING HOPE, a companion novel to
LOSING FAITH, and she really likes it! She loves the voice and thinks the story arc works. She has a few notes, so now I'm awaiting those.
Also, LOSING FAITH is in a foreign rights catalog to be shopped in Bologna this month! Even better, my book is on the first page!! If you're interested, you can
check it out here. And, okay, I have one more piece of good news, but I'm not sure if I'm actually allowed to share it yet. But...if you're a member of SCBWI, you may be able to figure it out...
How about you? Any news this week? Anything exciting happening this weekend?