[Myojo Mar 02’] Love Novels by Arashi: #4 Nino

Jul 29, 2014 16:13

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Debut, and then Break Up… by KAZUNARI NINOMIYA

Fu… Standing in front on the payphone, Kazunari let out a deep breath. Today is the day, the day to break the news to Kazuko.

During 2nd year of middle school, Kazunari and Kazuko became classmates. Kazuko, who had waist-long hair tied on two sides and glasses as thick as the bottom of milk bottles, was an existence gone unnoticed by many people in the class. Being serious is perhaps her only virtue, but she’s really a stiff and boring character… nearly everyone in class thinks of her like that. But, sitting beside her and naturally ending up talking to her, Kazunari noticed her charm. She’s gentle and reserved, but has a clear view of her own world. She likes shojo mangas, and dreams of being a professional artist… Talking to Kazuko who shares the same name with his mother, Kazunari finds himself enjoying the time spent with her. Everyday, like insignificant water ripples, just like that, with the heart taking small steps at a time.

“If that’s the case, let’s start dating…”

People say when you’re in love, girls will become prettier, and guys will become tougher. In Kazunari’s case, he became a regular player at baseball games, even getting good results in English which he is actually weak at. No doubt, this is the power of love. Kazuko’s emotions are also syncing with Kazunari… The two who had been dating since 2nd year of middle school were still in a bliss even though they have entered different high schools after that.

And then, just after summer holidays during 1st year of high school, Kazuko’s appearance took a big change, apparently a phenomena known as “high school debut”.

Thick framed glasses were replaced with contact lenses. Her hair was dyed red. She had flattery make up applied, wearing glamorous miniskirts. Although they were attending different high schools they still kept in touch by constant phone calls, but she hasn’t been picking up his calls lately. Perhaps she’s having fun with night life. It seems like she has totally forsaken her dream of becoming a manga artist. The saddest thing is, Kazuko’s gentle and kind personality is nowhere to be found anymore. Kazunari found it impossible to love someone who is an exact opposite of who he knew before.

This day, Kazunari decided to break up with Kazuko.

But, with that said, the happy moments they once shared kept playing before his eyes. Their first date was at Inokashira Park, when he had rowed the boat with all his might trying to impress Kazuko. Though he ended up with severe muscle pain the day after… Hold it, it’s not the time to dwell in the grieves anymore. Taking one more deep breath, the call to Kazuko is connected. To say those words, he has practiced countless times, “let’s break up”.

“Hello, Kazuko?”
“Who’s this? What the heck, Kazunari? This place is so noisy! Um, I’m going to the club now, super busy. I’m hanging up now.” (disconnected)

Kazunari quietly held the receiver in his hand. What a daunting “high school debut” this is.

You caught me off guard, Nino. Then again, perhaps you didn’t.

♥ 二宮禾口也, ♥ translations

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