[MORE Dec 11’] Gifts to Members - Part III

Jul 05, 2014 20:34

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Part I | Part II | Part III

Q What would you like to give to the members?


From Ninomiya Kazunari
I’ll just give him an overall. Because he seems to wear it so often when I see him on “Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen”.
From Sakurai Sho
Because he seems to cook a lot, I’ll give him kitchen wares. But I don’t cook myself at all so I’m not too sure what’s good (laugh).
From Ohno Satoshi
Fishing books and DVDs and a fishing rod I chose personally. Recently, he seems to be engaged in fishing, it would be great to go with him some day.
From Matsumoto Jun
A Chinese cuisine pot! Though I’m sure he has it at his parents’ home (Chinese cuisine shop), I guess he doesn’t have one himself. And he likes cooking anyway.


From Matsumoto Jun
An album containing photos of beautiful sceneries from around the world. So he can look at the photos and feel excited when he goes to those places some day.
From Aiba Masaki
Leader always wears the T-shirts I get for him as souvenirs. So, a T-shirt it is!
From Ninomiya Kazunari
I was to give him a pair of sunblock cream. Just look at him, being so sunburnt, you’d think he doesn’t own one (laugh)
From Sakurai Sho
If we really can, I’d like to share among 4 members and get him a fishing boat. The maintenance cost, well he has to pay it himself (laugh).


From Aiba Masaki
A soccer ball! Because I heard that he plays soccer some time ago. Since balls wear off quite quickly, I suppose it’ll help.
From Ninomiya Kazunari
Jun-kun will soon be playing as a boxer in his stageplay, so wouldn’t it be perfect to give him a pair of boxer pants?
From Sakurai Sho
Since he’s doing stageplays now, I’ll give him something that helps the throat. Actually I’m really searching for it now, but I didn’t find anything good yet.
From Ohno Satoshi
If there’s a beautiful scenery from the photos I receive from Matsujun, I will paint that and give it to him (laugh).


From Ohno Satoshi
A painting of a body builder. Some time ago, I painted one for Sho-chan during his birthday, so I’ll give him another one, as a sequel (laugh)
From Matsumoto Jun
He’s getting better at playing piano, so I’d like to give him a good music score. And tell him “please play this”.
From Aiba Masaki
I will give him a full set of serial comics. Because he seemed interested in it and asked me “hey what’s that?” when I was reading it in the dressing room (laugh)
From Ninomiya Kazunari
I received a pair of sandals from Sho-chan during my birthday this year. So I’ll return this favour and give him a pair of sandals too.


From Sakurai Sho
A new set of trump cards. Recently, I don’t see him doing card tricks, and I thought he might want to get new ones.
From Ohno Satoshi
When Nino turned 17 I drew him a picture of 17 characters. So, this time I’ll draw 28 characters. That sounds like tough work (laugh).
From Matsumoto Jun
Underwear! We showed it during our live concert MC, he’s always wearing very flamboyant underwear (laugh).
From Aiba Masaki
I’ve teamed up with Nino for baseball, but we haven’t been able to practice much… so I’ll get him a new baseball bat.
Q What do you think your fans are giving you?

“Energy of support”

The feeling and energy of their support really means a lot. They become our strength, when we’re doing live concerts, we feel like we’re exchanging energy with the audience… And it made us happy.



Our job only exists when there’s audience. We feel this especially during live concerts, but when we’re on television we’re not just facing the cameras, but we’re doing our best for the “support” of the people watching us from the other side.

“Watching over us”

We’re thankful for the people who watch out for us and share our feelings. We’re happy that people are watching us on the television, and also our concerts and stage plays, we’re touched that they took the trouble to come all the way to support us, it’s what motivates us to work hard.

“Driving force”

Everyone’s existence to us, is a special driving force. Because there’s absolutely no meaning to what we’re doing if no one is watching. And it’s only because there are people on the receiving end that we get this motivation to continue, and to be able to stand here now. We are always thankful for it.

“Faces of happiness”

Our live concerts are always very fun for me each year every single time, and I’m thankful to be able to see the happy faces of the audience. When I see that they are happy, I get happy myself, and feel that I somehow received a lot of strength. Thank you.


♥ translations, ♥ 嵐

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