[Non-no Feb 11’] 12Q12A x 5 - Part IV

Jun 30, 2013 11:45

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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV

It’s the custom! Arashi’s 1Q1A 10’-11’!

Here’s our popular Q&A corner, winter version. This time Arashi answered 12 questions regarding the year-end and the beginning of the new year!

Q How do you/did you usually spend your New Year’s Day?

Ohno I used to play bingo with my family. And I won quite some prizes.
Sakurai Everyone in our family will go to my grandparents’ place. We still do that now.
Aiba I’ll be back home talking to my family and playing with the little ones.
Matsumoto Recently, I’ve been travelling a lot so I’d like to continue doing that.
Ninomiya Just casually spending time at home. I think I did my homework when I was still a kid.

Q In year 2011, if you go for hatsumoude (first visit to the shrine on New Year’s Day), what would you pray for?

Ohno That all my friends will live healthily and peacefully.
Sakurai My family’s health. I can’t think of anything else right now.
Aiba Health comes first! Whether you’re in the “on” or “off” mode, that’s the most important!
Matsumoto Just as I prayed every year, I’m praying for health throughout this year too.
Ninomiya No doubt, health! Well I pray for that every year though.

Q What’s that one place in your house that you feel “I want to clear up this mess!”?

Ohno The floor. I want to make a stepping platform so I need to clear off all the dust.
Sakurai The computer and piano room, which somehow became a storeroom now!
Aiba Everything (laugh). I’ll clear off everything properly no matter how many days it will take!
Matsumoto My desk which is filled with my work materials, I want to clear that up.
Ninomiya Nothing in particular. I don’t really mess up the place anyway.

Q What’s the most memorable usage of the otoshidama (new year blessings in the form of money given by adults/seniors) you’ve received?

Ohno When I was in Elementary 6, after saving up all my money for a few years, I bought a word processor which has a drawing/painting function.
Sakurai When I was in 1st year of Middle School, I bought an electric guitar which is the same model as X Japan’s Hide-san.
Aiba When I was in Elementary School, I bought a toy car and the full running course set which was really popular at that time.
Matsumoto I used to keep them all untouched in their envelopes, then charge up my wallet in one go (laugh).
Ninomiya I safe them up! Though there’s nothing I want in particular, I just did as my parents told me to.

Q What song of Arashi would you recommend for the winter season? (Besides “Dear Snow” please!)

Ohno “Fuyu no Nioi”. I love the chorus. The lyrics kinda sad too.
Sakurai The song which was used for a CM which left a strong impression of a warm atmosphere, “Fuyu wo Dakishimete”.
Aiba “Futari no Kinenbi”. Because you can feel both the melody and lyrics warming up your heart. 
Matsumoto “Fuyu wo Dakishimete”. So you can feel cheerful even in the cold!
Ninomiya I want you to listen to our song song, so “Hatenai Sora” ♪

Q Among the New Year dishes, which one is your favourite?

Ohno Simple soysauce-based ozouni (soup containing vegetables and rice cakes for New Year's Day). If you’re talking about the ingredient, then I guess I like the radish.
Sakurai The mochi (rice cake) my grandmother makes is superb. I eat it with butter and soysauce.
Aiba My No. 1 among the seasonal food is kurikinton (mashed sweet potatoes containing sweetened chestnuts). I also like bonito-based ozouni.
Matsumoto Ozouni works best for me. Among the seasonal food, I eat quite a lot of kamaboko (something similar to fish balls). 
Ninomiya … none! I always end up eating the regular dishes even on New Year’s Day.

Q Please tell us your special date plan for the year-end and beginning of the year!

Ohno Spend New Year’s Eve with both our families together, then laze around for 2 days!
Sakurai Let’s go skiing! I’d love to see her in the skiing attire.
Aiba We’ll watch “Kouhaku Utagassen” together! Though that’s impossible for me this year (laugh).
Matsumoto Watch “Kouhaku Utagassen”→hatsumoude→Johnny’s Concert
Ninomiya Though I’ve always been hiding at home, let’s go out and have a good meal!

Q An incident occurred during a snow mountain date…! What would you do for your girlfriend?

Ohno Find tools to make a campfire! Though I don’t have much confidence doing that (laugh).
Sakurai First we’ll keep close to stay warm! Then, find a way to get down.
Aiba I’ll say “let’s run together” (laugh). It’s important to keep warm.
Matsumoto Find a way to contact people outside. And get help. I’m calm ain’t I (laugh)?
Ninomiya I’ll do any~thing (smile). I guess I’ll call for help first.

Q If you’re on a hot spring date with your girlfriend, what’s OK/NG for you? ①becoming a totally different person without make-up ②sleeping like a dead log on the train ③taking extremely long time bathing

Ohno I’m fine with all of it, but for ③ I think I might start to wonder “what is she doing?”.
Sakurai Anything’s fine! In fact I like ②, I think it’s rather cute that she can sleep so comfortably.
Aiba If I really have to answer something I might not like, I guess it’s ③. But if we can still meet on time I’m perfectly okay.
Matsumoto I’m okay with all 3. For ① it’s what my eyes see, it could be my own problem anyway (laugh).
Ninomiya There’s absolutely no NG for my girlfriend! If I like her anything will be OK ♪

Q You’re writing a new year card to a girl you like. How would you present yourself to get her interest?

Ohno I’ll write it sincerely, by calligraphy. I’ll do it Japanese style!
Sakurai I’m betting on my drawing which I am absolutely so gifted at (laugh). Shall I draw eto (12 animals of the Chinese zodiac) for her?
Aiba I’ll study difficult kanji using the dictionary, and greet her properly!
Matsumoto I’ll write “I hope we can spend more time together this year”.
Ninomiya I’ll say properly “may I have your favour this year”!

Q When dating clashes with a year-end party you’re not allowed to miss, what do you do?

Ohno I’ll explain the situation properly, I’m sure she’ll understand.
Sakurai I guess there’s nothing else I can do except to tell it as it is. Of course I’ll make it up to her.
Aiba Both are equally important, I’ll bring her along to the year-end party.
Matsumoto Though it’ll be a decision, I’ll prioritize the event which was decided first.
Ninomiya I’ll be straightforward and say “sorry I have a year-end party I must go to”.

Q What winter clothes do you think are cute on girls?

Ohno Muffler. Because I don’t wear it myself, so I end up looking at people who do.
Sakurai Ear muffs. When I went for location shooting I saw someone wearing it and thought it was cute.
Aiba Furry accessories, I think they’re cute~ ♪
Matsumoto As long as it suits that person anything’s OK.
Ninomiya Anything that person deems suitable without thinking too much about how a guy looks at her!

♥ translations, ♥ 嵐

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