[Potato July issue] Ordinary Ohno Love

Jul 14, 2010 11:59

I do not provide scans. The thumbnail is for reference purposes only.


The topic we’re giving these 5 people who showed more of their adult side recently, is “adult’s (mature) love”. We got them to talk about real adult love philosophies of their late twenties!


Be it dating or giving presents
Ordinary is the best!

【Now that you’re in your late twenties, what is your ideal love relationship?】

I think a relationship where we can stimulate each other would be good. Though it’s not only in the sense of love relationship, indeed people who are doing something wholeheartedly, people who works hard for something, I think they’re wonderful. When I see such people I am stimulated to work hard myself. On the other hand, it’ll be great if my partner is stimulated after seeing me work hard. My ideal relationship is something like that.

【Turning into an adult, how has your view in love relationship changed?】

I don’t think anything changed though… That can change? (you said before you’d want to see your lover everyday or something) Ah, not anymore. It’ll definitely be impossible to meet everyday anyway (laugh). For me I cannot survive if I don’t have time for myself. That has never changed since I was in my teens. If we meet everyday, wouldn’t the bloom and excitement lose out? But if my partner said she wants to meet me everyday, I still have the confidence that I can keep true to my promise. Though we’re not talking about my confidence here (laugh)

【What is your ideal “adult date”?】

You mean something like dining in a restaurant on the top of a high-rise building?  But, I can’t really bring myself to do such a thing. I’m  bad even at thinking about romantic things, I’ll get embarrassed. My ideal date, I prefer going outdoors rather than staying indoors. When the weather is fine it’ll feel great just to be outside without doing anything else. Walking on the streets every so normally, buying things in good shops then going back after having a meal. Ordinary? Ordinary is the best!

【What would it be if you were to give your girlfriend an “adult present”?】

…this month is filled with nothing but tough questions (laugh). Just like dating, I’m bad with surprises and stuff… Ah! So, when we go fishing together I’ll pretend that I caught a fish and I’ll tell her “pull up the line!”, then on the other end I’ll attach a ring, how’s that? If I were to do this I’ll work hard on it, but will it make her happy? Cause if I were the one doing it, the ring would most probably drop into the sea (laugh). Shall I use a string and tie it along with the case? Just to make sure it won’t get wet I’ll put it in a vinyl bag first (laugh).

【How would your ideal married life be?】

Right now I don’t have the longing to get married at all, I’m thinking it’ll be fine too if I were to stay single for the rest of my life. Or rather, I think I can’t even get married (laugh). Cause I like being by myself, it’s fun, and I am free to do anything I want. If I get married, there will be family whom I have to protect and I think I’ll have to be working my butt off. It’s just that, I hold this feeling of wanting to see the faces of my children. But the responsibility is too bit will my current self be able to handle it? So actually it’s fine if I get married of not (laugh). My ideal married life is, to stay at the countryside, plant vegetables, go fishing and live self-sufficiently. I have no particular requirement for someone who can become my wife. Though I’d be happy if she can cook well. Things like cleaning and stuff, it’s okay we can just do it together.

【Recent happening】

Recently, there’s nothing… just normal. But, though people keep saying “you’re busy aren’t you?” or “you don’t have time do you?” since I started my drama, I guess I’m not all that tied up as everyone thinks. But I’m busy enough that I don’t have spare time to go fishing (laugh).

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ translations

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