I Think fighting with my boyfriend has become a hobby for him. He seems to enjoy it?wow, he amazes me! Told me he was going to an "interview" at 7? and here it is 10:30 and I havent heard a thing from him. hmm, why do I get this ODD sensation that something is going on? Everybody laugh with me because I hate life right now! haha!
poop on everyone mean. period.
Went to Club Tonic last night with my friend steph. She was rolling, and I really didnt want her too because i was scared of getting in the car, but she took it 4 minutes before we got there so i was cool with it i guess. We wont even discuss the ride home. We got invited to a party from one of her friends and ovcourse we got LIED TO! "oh yea, just follow us we live about 20 minutes away." Come an hour and a half later, we have no fucking idea where we are. Go to the party. Stephanie starts to come down hard and she gets sick. nobody would give us directions to 96 west or 275 north. I was beyond angry. Stopped at dunkin dougnuts and had some arab fuck tell us the wrong way, so we got lost once again, ONLY THIS TIME we pulled over where 2 paramedics were and they helped us get back on the right way. 5 oclock rolls around and we're finally home. crashed in my club clothes and woke up 2 hours later...for nothing. (plans fell through with my car) so now I've been half asleep the whole day and right now, im not tired anymore. I hate being an Insomniac.
ah well. atleast i have marilyn. I just purchased her last week. She wont b r e a k my heart.