Шпрингмайер о Рокфеллерах и Ротшильдах

Aug 24, 2015 16:45

О будто бы имеющей место вражде между двумя нехорошими кланами, о коей любят толковать наши доморощенные конспирологи, Фриц Шпрингмайер внес следующее методологическое разъяснение:

    There has been a great deal of misinformation put out that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are fighting for control of the world. It is true that they are in intense competition in some areas. It has also been true that they have been in intense cooperation in many areas. One of the difficulties for people to sort out what is going on, is that they don’t know about the Satanic spiritual dimension of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. For instance, to make an analogy, if I am a minister and one of my brothers-in-Christ is my upline on a multi-level marketing distributorship, then he is my business head, but I could be the spiritual leadership that he looks up to. The point is that essentially all researchers trying to expose the NWO are drawing conclusions about occult power on the basis of business relationships, and it doesn’t always work. Sometimes the business boss may be in a secret satanic leadership position over someone else, but it may also be that both men are on equal footing when it comes to occuft power and status within the Illuminati. So far I have seen only one book advertised (and I haven’t read it) which claims to expose the conflict between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers as a sham. If It really does show this, then the book has contributed greatly toward helping people tear down their misunderstandings about the Illuminati power structure.
    Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of Illuminati

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