Not to repeat, please to answer. Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?

Jul 06, 2010 21:17

This is an exercise that made me sweat a little (in my bum crack). The list is by no means final, as I have already thought of a million other movies I could have/should have put on it. But you know, what the fuck ever. This is really lame and shitty anyway.

Still, far superior to the list made by my good friend/part-time lover, Tara Ellen Hoban.

My top 10 movies

1. Singin' in the Rain- Everything about this movie is totally sweet man. Probably have watched it like 50 million times. Though I must admit, sometimes I fast forward through the Broadway Melody part...

2. When Harry Met Sally- "Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash"

3. Taxi Driver- A lot of people say they can't watch this movie more than once. It's so seedy. But Travis Bickle is one of my favourite characters ever. I find him creepy yet oddly attractive...

4. American Beauty- When I watch this, I find myself wishing I could be Kevin Spacey's character (apart from the jerking off, like, everywhere). Best scene is when the wife and her lover go through the drive thru where Lester is working. "Smile, you're at Mr Smileys!"

5. Swing Time- Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are quite the pair, aren't they? Swing Time is better than Top Hat in my opinion. Never Gonna Dance. That is all.

6. Cast Away- If I was in a particular mood, my entire top 10 could be all Tom Hanks films. But this is my favourite of them all. When Chuck comes back from the island and his ho has got married again, it's like someone is stomping on your heart.

7. Up- I cry throughout most of this movie just because it's so WAAAH. It's probably the best movie I've seen in a very long time. Pixar is the businesssss.

8. The Godfather Pt II- I struggled to figure out what in the hell Marlon Brando was saying in the first part. And I watched it on VHS so subtitles were not an option. Fucking cotton candy mouth. The second part in my opinion is way more interesting, especially with young DeNiro and the whole shit going down with Frodo.

9. The Deer Hunter- Normally I hate war movies, but there is something about this film that made me think about it for days after I watched it. So disturbing and sad at the end...NICKYYY!!

10. The Sound Of Music- Welllllll I just had to put this on here because it's one of the first movies I remember watching. I must have seen it more times than you've seen your mother take a shit. Why did Christopher Plummer have to get old and ugly???? That is a crying shame.

So, it appears I rule the universe and my taste is flawless.
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