Jan 01, 2008 01:41
Still up. It's 2008. Who hoo.
I've been hanging out online. Nothing special. Watch people dancing on tv. Even if I was out, I wouldn't feel like dancing.
Harry's still sick. He's been to the vet four times in a week, and the cost has just been adding up. His cold seems better but he's still not eating or drinking to speak of. I've continued the force-feeding, which some people have been calling "assisted feeding" - not liking that force word. But I'm doing it, and believe me, there is force involved to hold a big cat's body tightly and mouth open, and pour liquified food and Pedialyte down his throat. But it's do this or he'll get dehydrated or starve. Hopefully once he gets decongested, he'll be fine. I put drops in his nose and left eye, which is discharging, and push a pill down his throat. Can be hard to do.
Salvador's still in the separate bedroom. I bought him a ball in a circle toy with scratch pad, and he likes it.
I'm soo exhausted with this cat ordeal. Had an anxiety attack during dinner a few nights ago, and last night had a bad night with digestive upsets.
This is the fourth holiday season in a row that has failed to be festive. Started in 2003, and now I've come to dread the holiday season. I take off work, but by the last days, I'm eager to return to it, as it seems that less things go wrong there. And there's more people to talk to for support.
Just thinking about what's important this year. I call it "Team Me" and, while I will help out in some situations, I will be careful about how and how much. I'll be thinking about how much it will "cost" me. I also need to be more on top of things, not procrastinate and work on reducing anxiety levels.
I've been getting rid of a lot of stuff around here, so that's good. More and more I'm seeing that it takes more than it gives, and I don't have the energy to waste.
2007 had its high points, to be sure. I really enjoyed it when we were rehearsing with Cuauhtemoc. But he stopped showing up, and Randy then had a number of interferences that caused the rehearsals to grind to a halt. I see people singing and find it hard to believe that I can do it, too. I just haven't felt like it.
Overall, I feel bored or else I'm always putting out fires or trying to recover from the latest emotionally distressing incident.
I need some kind of support system.