Mar 30, 2010 19:12
I have officially survived the Requiem! And so did the rest of the "Masterworks Choral" I'm in this semester, which is really saying something considering that some of the folks in there probably don't remember their grandkids' names much less 70-something pages of Latin.
But we made it! And we even got a standing ovation on the opening ceremony night.
On the down-side, I almost broke my throat, because there is like, the Queen-B Alto, plus me and maybe two others, trying to make up for the 20 other altos who sort of hum along, along with covering whatever snippets of the tenor line we can manage to double-duty for.
Oh, and of course there is a sour old woman named Betty (doesn't that name just tell you so much?) who likes to terrorize all us younger girls, who just had to get on my case about my lack of stockings, even though it's a floor-length dress, I'm front row not up on the risers, and the recital hall is sweltering. And then later about not wearing pearls (so that she could get me about the length), because sorry, I don't own any. I live off Top-Ramen and Kraft mac & cheese, lady! What do you want from me?!
But whatever. Singing is fun, even if Lucifer really did fall from Heaven and land in the choir loft.