Feb 09, 2010 14:18
Roomie and I are in a GE Philosophy of Religion class. It is entirely full of freshmen philosophy majors. This was only the 5th class meeting of the semester, and it's already getting very hard to part with my bed on mornings when this is my only class. Bed is just so-- intrinsically superior.
But anyway, in some other possible world where I had not gotten out of bed this morning, then I would not have heard this remarkable exchange:
Peroxide Blond Starbucks Girl in the front of the class: "Where did that chicken and the egg thing come from anyway? I never really thought about it before, but that right there proves the existence of God, doesn't it? I mean, 'which came first, the chicken or the egg?' It's like, WOW! Obviously God just dropped a chicken onto the Earth!"
So-Much-Deeper-than-all-of-YOU! Skater Kid: "Obviously the egg came millions of years before the chicken, dinosaurs laid eggs."
Ryan Gosling-look-alike Professor: "What's obvious is that we need to clarify our parameters, SO. CHICKEN egg, or chicken. PROBLEM AVERTED. And then how did it get there? Well, how about Natural Selection?"
(in-need-of-)PBS Girl: "Is that like Darwinism? Are you saying chickens used to be monkeys too?"
And by then too many of us in the back were laughing helplessly, so the prof managed to escape back to his PowerPoint slides. PROBLEM AVERTED INDEED. I am...so, so glad these kids are pursuing an education. It's just, this is most likely their second semester out of high school (who let them out, is what I really want to know) and I really wish that they could require basic biology and physics classes before turning them loose on the critical thinking classes. Like, arguments against well-known theories are generally a lot more credible when you actually understand the theory you are arguing against.
Um. Just sayin'.
Usually, the only consolations for getting out of bed and going to that class are the aforementioned Ryan Gosling-esque professor, and the awesome older lady who quotes the Vedas. And sometimes the Buddha or the Old Testament. I don't know if my sanity is going to survive 25 more classes, though. Time to learn meditation.
phil is a pill,