Friends Cut

Mar 07, 2009 14:38

It seems that as hard that it will be, it is time to make a friends cut, which I will be doing this weekend. These friends which I have decided to cut are all wonderful and kind people. However, we have drifted apart for whatever reasons. I do take my friendships seriously here on LJ, but these are the reasons I felt I needed to cut some friends.

Some of the friends have not written in their journal for quite a while and likely have abandoned their journals.
Some friends are constantly on LJ, but I never hear from them when I post an entry. This is different from friends who lead a busy life and do not comment because they have little time for LJ. I understand this all too well as sometimes I am the same way, and hope my friends will forgive me for not being around as much as I would like to be. However, at least I comment when I am around on LJ, or at least try to.
Some friends I will comment in their journals but I do not hear from them, not even a reply to my comment in their journal.
One friend which I know of abandoned one journal and started another journal. I only found out about the new journal by accident.
Some friends I will be cutting just never, ever comment in my journal.

It has been wonderful getting to know you in the past, and I wish you all the best in the future. I hope there are no hard feelings, because there are none on my part. Goodbyes hurt the most when people leave without saying them, so I wanted to say goodbye and wish you well. Because I'm saying goodbye at this time doesn't mean that I have stopped caring about you, and I will miss you.

For the rest of my LiveJournal friends...

...I'll be seeing you.

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