Nov 02, 2008 20:48
Warning: this is just random thoughts that may not interest anyone other than me.
I have so much work to do, but I seriously don't want to do it. So here I am writing in my journal so I don't have to write for my projects. It makes no sense, but who cares. I have to wait for the kiddos to fall asleep before I can really buckle down anyways, otherwise I get interrupted but a dozen "Mommy,..." visitors. For instance, the oldest child just brought me a dirty sock. "Mommy, I found this in my room." Why? The kids are procrastinating too. Why fall asleep when you can bug Mommy with dirty laundry? Yeah, it makes no sense either, but neither do I right now, so, again, who cares.
Maybe a glass of wine would help. For me, not the kids. But maybe the kids. Nah, they couldn't stand the taste. I have picky eaters. If it ain't a chicken nugget, they probably won't eat it. Chicken nuggets infused with wine? Hum, I may be on to something.
Tonight, I had two other families over at our home for dinner. Total of 6 kids and 6 adults. I really hate the torture of playing hostess. It is seriously not my thing. I dread it. Thus, you can guess this gathering was not my idea, but I put up with it. Now, my house is trashed, the kids are cranky and hyped up, and I get to do it again in a week. Yeah me. Plus, Lovie is out of town for a week, so I get to prep the house for company again by myself. Oh, the joy.
I shouldn't be so sour about it. One of the families is our best friends, and their kids are our kids' best friends, so that actually works out pretty well. But the other family I had never met before, so there are the pretenses. And the worrying about what they think of me, my family, and my house. There are some people who I will be glad will probably never darken my doorstep again; they don't like me, and I don't like them, so the heck with ya.
I've begun exercising again. It is so odd to pick up running again after a break of about 15 years. I was a huge high school trackster, and at my high school reunions, my classmates almost always asked me if i still run, which at that point was no, and they were genuinely shocked. Lovie didn't even believe I ever ran competitively because he only saw me run when chased. Now I run, bike and even swim a bit. Swimming is the biggest challenge for me. I so suck at it. There's something about actually leaving my head in the water in a freestyle stroke that scares me, so I adapt it and alternate breathing sides during every stroke. It is a very messed up way to swim, but it is what it is.
OK, I just did a kid check. The oldest is asleep, and the youngest is very close. So I had better get to work. Perhaps, I will treat myself to a bit of wine first. The bottle is already open in the fridge, and it would be such a waste not to drink it. Plus, it's my favorite label. OK, I talked myself into it. That was easy. Then, I'll get to work. I promise. Cross my heart. Really. Truly.
"Procrastination: Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now." -- Larry Kersten