as of late ...

Jun 15, 2009 08:17

So, this is what I've been up to (long and drama filled, you've been *warned*)

I've been planning Conner's b-day. We got him all his gifts over the weekend. From all his Yo Gabba Gabba toys (and a YGG cake ^_^) to blocks and cars, he's going to be so spoiled.

My mom's coming here since we can't go to Memphis. I invited my dad, talked to him about it. Called him 3 times to remind him and see if he can come. His answer: I don't think I'm coming. Translation: I have my head so far up my girlfriend's ass that if I come she'll be mad at me and I don't have anywhere else to stay.

I can't stand his gf sometimes. I mean, so what if she doesn't like my mom. So what if she doesn't want my dad around my mom. Conner is his grand son and he should see him and spend time with him. She needs to get over it. Seriously.

Last year, she went as far as to buy tickets to a musical on his birthday and claimed she "forgot" about it and of course, my dad went to the show with her instead of going to his bday party at my mom's house.


So, I know I've told a little bit about my grand pa being in a nursing home, losing his mind and all that. Well his brother, my "great" uncle Leo, collapsed Friday. He was complaining of a headache and then he just collapsed. He had a brain aneurysm.
He was put on life support and all that crap, but his daughter came in the other day (from GA) and gave the okay to unplug him. So I've lost my Uncle. He was a great man. He was funny and oh my god, stereo typically Italian through and through. I'm really gonna miss him.

Hubby drama? Oh you didn't think this post was going to end without some of that did ya?

So Luke keeps talking to his ex gf. The same Tiffany girl from years ago. Again, this should bug me, but it really doesn't .... But when they flirt with each other ... I wanna kill. They text each other quite often. The other day we were cooking out with our neighbors and he was drinking and texting me, being nice and flirty with me and I thought it was cute. Well the next morning I check his phone and apparently he had also been texting her too. He said, "Sorry for buggin you so much yesterday I was kinda drunk" and stuff like "tell your dad hi for me" WTF? Why do you care about her dad?

And then I checked his myspace. Yeah I don't trust him so much (GUYS, see what happens when you cheat on your woman? You make her a paranoid wreck) And she had sent him a graphic and said, "This reminded me of something you told me earlier" and the pic said, "You and Me, we could make the world jealous"


I'm about to get a hold of this bitch and tell her to step the fuck off. Or to step the fuck into oncoming traffic. And I'm about to get a hold of Luke and tell him that flirting with her is unacceptable. That by doing that he's hurting me and has no respect for our family or our marriage. I'm gonna tell that bitch that I don't care if she's going through problems with her man but to leave mine alone. She obviously doesn't care that she's married or that he is too. That even if he did come flirting to her she should have enough respect for that fact that he's a married man and leave him the fuck alone and not egg him on.

what the fuck am I doing wrong? Why does he have to flirt with her? Am I not fucking good enough? even though he tells me he loves me and that I'm all he "needs" ... oh really? You want me to believe that? Then stop talking to another girl like you're the sexiest fucking single man on the planet. You fucking ASSHOLE.


Well, at least that's what I want to do and say to him and her .... and to add insult to injury, she's a fucking dog ugly bitch too. At least Jessica was pretty.

Luke has been unusually nice to me lately. I mean, he normally ignores us and plays games and will play with Conner for a little bit and talk to me a little ... but over the weekend he was all attentive to me. Asking me if I was okay, telling me he loved me "so much" like WAAAY too many times, asking if I needed help with anything, helping me clean.

Some people may see it as him just being nice. Others may be positive and say that he really loves me and that's how he's showing me his love .... but me? I see it as over compensation. Feeling guilty for doing something and trying to make up for it by being extra nice and helpful (complimenting, loving etc etc)

I'm done with this rant. I'm mad now.

moods, drama, life

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