Happy Birthday Mary!!

Sep 11, 2012 06:58

Whoo-hoo! Happy Happy Burst-day marybwolf

Here, have some cake:

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happy birthday

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marybwolf September 13 2012, 03:22:51 UTC
DENI HOLY SHIT I CAN'T EVEN. Thank you, darling! I completely missed your birthday (and I'm so sorry I remember the promise I made to you about Cowboy Bebop fic and I will make good on it I swear but first I need to get your Christmas fic out holy fuck I'm so behind. /takes breath)

Seriously, though, thank you so much. Naruto cake? If I ever meet you, I am hugging and never ever letting go. You are awesome, woman. *huggles*

Sons! Sons! Sons of Anarchy. *descends into mindless squeeing* I should have watched the re-runs of at least the last few episodes of season four, but I didn't because I'm kind of silly that way.

So much happened there, goodness. Gemma and Clay and the truck and Tig. Tig, oh my gosh, Tig, I seriously almost cried. That was horrible.

I really need to check LJ more...


marybwolf September 13 2012, 03:29:33 UTC
Also, by my own request (so much cake this summer ugh), my birthday pastry was brownies.

And the reason I got on here was to discuss SoA with you, I was not expecting a birthday post.

God, I adore you.
Finally, I really haven't forgotten about beta-ing The Kage System for you. Life has just been crazy. I don't work at all this week, so I'll be able to get that at least started. I'm so sorry.

This made me happy, too. :D


denilmo September 13 2012, 15:27:20 UTC
It's alright! ^_^

Too bad it has to be virtual cake and not happy Naruto cake in front of you. *huggles*
But Birthday Brownies sound just as good ^_^
(and the adoration goes both ways)

I was really blown away by the premier. And Tig, TIG!! I like had to shake that off when it cut to commercial. That was so awful and I couldn't blame him for what he did... I imagine he may not be good with Clay after all that went down...


marybwolf September 14 2012, 04:05:12 UTC

It's alright that it's virtual cake. (I wasn't kidding about all the cake this summer. We have a redonkulous amount of summer birthdays in my family.) This way I can keep ssssttttaaaaaaarrrrrrriiiiinnnnggggg at the prettifulness. It'll be like birthday cake all year long. Yush.

Tig is one of my favorite characters. I barely remember Dawn, but God, his daughter? And all the shit hitting the fan with Clay, to whom he has been unquestionably loyal for years. Poor, poor man.

And Clay in church, manipulating the truth around to suit him. Even with two bullet holes and a breathing tube, the man is conniving. And Juice and Opie and ugh so muuuuuuch happened.

Also kind of hoping Nero doesn't turn out to be a total dick. And that Gemma doesn't get all weird over it. Because I kind of really like him.


denilmo September 14 2012, 11:16:34 UTC
Hehe. I hear ya, we have a ton of summer birthdays, too. I suppose virtual cake can't be that bad if it stays good for a whole year :D

I really like Tig, so to see him go through something like that is just O_o *cries*
Clay really is a manipulative asshole, isn't he? I kinda saw the Opie thing coming. That man has had so much shit happen to him because of the club. Can't really blame him for what he's feeling and doing. It has been sad to see that strong bond he had with Jax unraveling.
And Tara? She's definitely in a conflicted place right now. I think we may see more development of her - which I'm looking forward to.
I was really shocked with the introduction of Nero... especially the manner in which we met him LOL. But I have to say, the morning after did provide some light entertainment before all the serious drama went down. I hope he becomes a strong ally for them.


marybwolf September 15 2012, 03:39:40 UTC
Noooo! It stays good forever. That's the joy. I can come back and look whenever I want. :D :D :D

It was tragic, and I hope we really get to see more ramifications of that. Obviously the 1-9ers are going through a lot right now, too, what with three successive leaders being slaughtered within days, plus whatever Pope is telling them. That must be crazy. And now there's no way Tig is going to just let them get away with burning his kid aliveClay had to be manipulative and now he's not even the one in charge anymore. He's a king who's been usurped, and however much the club is willing to follow Jax, Clay isn't going to forget that knife at his throat. He's going to undermine Jax at every opportunity--starting with Piney's death. Although I did appreciate seeing him hesitate about Opie. After all the shit Clay put him through...Opie deserves a little peace ( ... )


denilmo September 15 2012, 12:22:15 UTC
Pope is one BAMF for sure. The way he carries out everything... I think he's going to prove to be dangerous for the club this season (but looking at Harold, the man that plays him, I couldn't help but keep picturing Mercutio). I do like seeing other clubs/factions in the show (but the whole going to Ireland and all that stuff felt a little forced to me that season...) Right. I know Tig is going to be planning some kind of payback. There is just no way he'd let it go - and I don't blame him. I just hope that because of what happened it doesn't set up for us to lose his character. I seriously thought that they were going to kill him at first... but his daughter ( ... )


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