Naruto 597

Aug 16, 2012 06:48

O.... M.... G

Tobi is.... he's...

I hate the chapters where it's nothing but long-winded explanations.

Do we, as readers, need to know every exact detail about how every little thing works? I saw it coming, I must admit. But I had some hope that maybe we'd get to some kick-assery.
And Tobi just stands there like "Okay, I'm not going to make a move until you get done talking, and then of course I'll have to make a retort. And though we're supposed to be fighting we can all talk like adults around a fucking cup of tea first, but of course afterward I'm just going to try to talk Naruto down."

We all know that won't work. Naruto's shits rainbows and sunshine. A few words - or passages - by some baddies do nothing to faze him, especially when Kyuubi speaks up for him. Which, even with the development, seems odd still. I still can't get hyper-violent I want to eat your flesh Kyuubi out of my memory.

Kakashi, I love you, but why talk so much?? I get it, their eye jutsus are connected; his space-time ninjutsu is connected to his Kamui's dimension - but all that other stuff in unnecessary, at least to me it was. (With his breaking it into, as Gai put it, "simpler terms" made me feel like they think all the readers are as dense as Naruto T_T).
And then that raises the question of WHY are they connected.

Because Tobi IS Obito!
Well, he doesn't say it, but these two pages kinda speak for themselves

I seriously had to pause and then go back and read it again. Kakashi's expression, that reaction, was just... priceless. And it really makes me look forward to the next chapter. I wonder what will go down. Will his identity as Obito be confirmed? Will Kakashi be stuck on the sidelines using his Kamui so Naruto can land hits? What kind of toll will that take on Kakashi's overall health? I mean, we all know he's a bit limited on chakra and can only do it so much... Will any of those question be answered?

Kishi!!! *shakes fist*

What are your thoughts, flist?

discussion, fandom: naruto, manga

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