Naruto 594

Jul 18, 2012 20:33

So did anyone get to read the one-shot that was released, too? For the movie? OMG it was too cute for words. I like seeing those kind of laid back moments, the bath house and seeing the guys of the rookie teams playing cards together. And half-nekkid Neji... oh my....


So "Tobi" is reviving the Ten Tails - not even needing the eight or nine tails - because apparently it doesn't need to be perfect for his master plan. Whether this was the intention or because Kishi was pressed for sweet time, we'll never know. But I'm guessing that it'll just be a way to assure victory for the "good guys" that we've been rooting for.

BUT that isn't even the thing that really got me. What got me was when Kakashi was planning to make a move and "Tobi" (or the nobody he claims to be) says "Kakashi you always open your mouth so easily; it's no wonder you've lived a life of regret." *look of surprise* -oh snap-
And when Gai asks who he is, he simply replies, "You don't remember faces so what point is there in telling you?" And Kakashi's face in the next panel? Oh lordie, he has that sort of confused/curious/this shit's bout to get serious-look about him.

So is this all from the intel he's gathered or is "Tobi" someone closer to them than they think? Oh, where are my Tobi/Obito theorists??? I'd love to hear what you think now.

And apparently the Ten Tails is like freakin bad-ass cause it can split the land and make mountains and shit. How are our heroes supposed to defeat it if it's revived? And of course we have Naruto making his claims to the role of future Hokage and being better than all the other generations before him, inserting his dream on us once again (as if we don't like it, Naruto-kun). Oh, and Bee is more pervy than we thought.

And with Naruto saying that he guesses he'll just have to bash in his mask... will Tobi's real identity be revealed? Finally?
Ooh, and with the oncoming battle, I really hope to see more of Tobi's power. He's supposed to be all big-bad, so I hope he lives up to it.

And what's with Sasuke reviving Orochimaru last chapter? What the hell? Just when I thought we had gotten rid of him... *sigh*
What are they going to be up to now? Will Sasuke gain some wisdom and suddenly be all "Oh, okay, it's all cool now. Let's go home, Naruto" *skips off happily* Kishi... you troll... don't eff this up!! I still want to see a Naruto-Sasuke brawl that puts another mark on their world like the Valley of the End. At this point, even though I have hopes for Sasuke's redemption, I want to see something just emotionally fueled and provide some real fucking closure - no matter what happens to either of them.

fandom: naruto, manga

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