fanfic - Knowing [KakaSaku]

Mar 05, 2012 12:21

Title: Knowing
Words: 1,812
Rating: T
Kakashi thinks he knows, but he has no idea. One-shot/complete. Romance/fluff(?) No smut this time around, saving that for the Through Time challenge ^. ~ Just a little bunny that was hopping around. Not beta'd - all mistakes are mine.

Sitting atop his bed Kakashi could feel the wind that blew in through his open windows. Spring was moving in, but winter refused to let go, holding tight to Konoha's evenings. Done with his meditation, he cracked his eye open as a particularly bitter wind ravaged his window.

He slid off his bed and ignored the chilly bite to his feet to cross his room and shut the window. As he turned to go to the other window a head of rosette tresses popped in.

His guest pulled herself into his room and turned a beaming smile his way. "Good! You're here."

"Hello, Sakura. I wasn't expecting you."

"I know." She turned and shut the second window. "I've been looking for you though, and once I had checked the cenotaph, the library, the training grounds, and the top of both the school and the monument... I figured the other place to look was your apartment. I guess I should've come here first."

"Probably," he said as he moved into his kitchen. "Tea?"

"Please," she answered with a timely shudder. "It's still pretty cool out. You know that if I had come by here first I probably wouldn't have found you. You're never home."

He nodded absently, but he wondered why she had gone through the trouble to find him. "I have to keep those that pursue me on their toes."

"Well you've succeeded."

"So why are you here? Not just for the tea I'm sure."

"No, you make your tea too strong. Do you have any honey?"

"I'll check."

Sakura smiled, a little forced in his opinion. She was definitely up to something. "I just really wanted to see you."

That reply caught him a bit off guard. He didn't let it show and retrieved the honey he found. When he turned around Sakura was in the kitchen with him, pulling down a couple of cups. As if on cue the kettle sounded, and Sakura moved with him as if they had shared tea at his apartment numerous times - but Kakashi was sure that she had been there for only a handful of visits.

She took the jar of honey and the offered spoon and then the cup with a fresh tea bag inside.

"So what can I do for you?"

Alluding his question, she stirred and then taste-tested. "Um... do you have any sugar?"

He nodded and turned back around to move items around in the cabinet before he found the sugar. When he turned back around Sakura had moved closer to him. She took the sugar, fingers obviously brushing his on purpose. Kakashi couldn't explain the pleasant tingle that jolted down his back.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and took a sip of his tea as she prepared her cup. Her eyes remained trained on her tea and while she was occupied, Kakashi allowed his gaze to wander over her. He didn't remember her clothes fitting her so well, but then again he had been avoiding even looking in the first place. Alone like this though, it was difficult to keep his eyes off of her.

She peered up at him, her cheeks dusted in a rosy blush that only seemed to make her green eyes pop out at him more. Her lips curled upward and she took a sip to test the sweetness. Her lips were so enticing pressed simply against the rim of the cup.

Kakashi realized that he had finished off his tea and set about pouring another cup. He was surprised when a petite arm slipped through his and took hold of his cup.


She was quiet and he couldn't bring himself to look at her, instead he watched her set down his cup.

"I can't keep doing this," her voice cut into him, and the warmth of her breath soaked into his shirt at his back.

"You never did like my tea," he commented off-hand; his voice felt so distant.

"You know I'm not talking about the tea." Her hands pressed against the firm planes of his chest.

Feeling entranced by her warmth, he moved at her hands' persuading until he was facing her. His heart waa hammering, but he kept his face neutral and his eyes calculating. He had kept her at a distance, but even that turned out to be the wrong course of action.

Her small - yet unbelievably intimidating - hands inched up his shirt, his neck, fingers brushing against his ear, before curling into his mask. Anticipation rung through every inch of his body. Was she really going to kiss him? Was he really going to let her?

His hands settled on her shoulders and she sensed his apprehension. Her voice came suddenly, quietly. "Don't."

His reply caught in his throat as he felt his mask begin to slide down his face. His fingers curled tighter around her as she moved in, ready to push her away… or pull her closer.

Sooty lashes fluttered close and her lips were perfectly pink from where he was looking. They appeared so soft and pouty, so inviting - so dangerous. It called to him, both warning and tempting him at the same time. His tongue subconsciously swiped across his lips and his body reacted to her close proximity; he leant towards her, ready for her kiss as if suddenly craving it - or perhaps he had been, but he was finally allowing himself to admit it.

And when she finally did connect their mouths, it sent pleasant warmth radiating throughout his being. Her lips had been as soft as he imagined; she was gentle, slowly coaxing him to reciprocate. And reciprocate he did. His fingers went lax at her shoulders and he moved to wrap his arms around her, threading his fingers into her hair at the nape of her neck. Her hand clenched in the front of his shirt, hinting with her tongue to deepen their connection.

Their tongues slid together lazily, moving slow like honey, encompassed by the surging feeling building between them. Their leisurely exchange gathered steam, gentle prodding became an unrestrained dance for some bit of control. Breaths came short and heavy from their noses as hands became more daring. Her fingers were cool as they ran under his shirt, caressing ridges of muscle, skin, and scars. Her skin was so silky; it was beyond anything he had imagined. If he had been in his right mind, Kakashi might have been more thoughtful of his calloused fingers. But she didn’t seem to mind his rough touch as she rocked against him, tilting her body this way and that to stay glued to his strokes.

As alluring as her body was - and gods did he want to touch more of her - he finally broke away from her, keeping her at bay with his strong grip at her hips. Their foreheads touched in the silence. His chest heaved as he gathered his breath, his thoughts. His lips tingled, reminiscent of her kiss, and he peered from his position and nearly groaned at the way her bottom lip was captured in her teeth, like she was tasting him. She hummed softly as his fingers pressed into her. He hadn’t even been aware that he was doing it.

“Sakura, why… What are you…”

“Don’t,” she repeated. Her hands settled on the small of his back, fingers teasing the hem of his pants with light brushes. “It’s not even like you should care. With my running history with men, I would be okay if you didn’t.”

That’s not true! He wanted to tell her. “Sakura-”

She stepped back, breaking the spell of the moment, and looked him straight in the eye. So much was going on there in her gaze, even he had a difficult time assigning meaning to it all. Her smile was neither happy nor sad, and her palm came up to rest against his bare cheek. “I just wanted you to know.”

She pulled herself further away from him. “Thanks for the tea.”

“You hate the tea.”

She offered a half-shrug and before he could stop her, he watched her pull her hands into the final sign and she disappeared in a whirl of cherry blossom petals and leaves. Watching as they fell delicately to the floor, he realized how much trouble it was for his guests whenever he decided to up and leave in that fashion. Tugging a hand through his hair, he let out a brief chuckle. He’d clean up, get some rest, and find Sakura in the morning. He really needed some time to allow himself to think over the sudden turn of events between them. He picked up her cup and his eyes softened at the petals that floated atop her drink. Yes, he’d definitely have to find her tomorrow.

As the sun warmed Konoha the next morning, civilians and ninja alike came out to enjoy the new day. Kakashi hid behind his book, a hand in his pocket tapping his overdue report which he was on the way to deliver - and if he happened to find out Sakura’s schedule then it was time well spent.

The verbal lashing he received from both Iruka and Tsunade for his late report was a decent price to pay, he supposed. Taking the back way, he snuck into the hospital. If people knew he went there on his own will, he’d never be able to get out of a check-up ever again.

“Hatake? What are you doing here?”

He froze and spun around with a friendly eye-crease. “Oh, hi, Shizune. I was just going to surprise my favorite medic. I haven’t seen her in a while. Think she’ll freak out when she sees me here?” he asked jokingly.

“Probably - if she were here.”

He dropped his façade. “She’s not here?”

Shizune shook her head and then motioned for him to keep walking. She fell into step beside him. “No, I’m taking over some of her duties while she’s gone.”

“No one said anything about her leaving for a mission.”

“Of course not, it’s her ANBU entrance mission; it’s supposed to be a secret.”

“Thanks, Shizune.”

She hmm-ed in question and turned to look at him only to find that he was no longer there. “That man…”

Kakashi sat on a crate on the hospital’s rooftop. That explained so much of it: why she had been so tenacious in searching for him, the look in her eyes, why she kissed him and said what she did. If he had known… he told himself that he would’ve said something, anything, done so much more than what he did. With resolve, he stood. He’d wait for her to come back, because she would come back, and then he’d do and say those things and get that moment back - and he wouldn’t stop it this time and they’d never look back.

fandom: naruto, fanfic, kakashi, sakura

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