KakaIru Kink Meme Fills

Sep 24, 2011 09:00

Here are my fills for the meme. I wanted to post them all together. Range from PG to M

Prompt: Iruka. Wet T-shirt.

Iruka's in casual wear when he gets caught in the rain resulting in him getting thoroughly soaked. Iruka then ducks into a nearby bookstore where he bumps into Kakashi.


It was one of those rare days where Iruka didn’t have to be up at the crack of dawn to prepare for classes, or work the mission desk, or run any errands of any kind. He had slept in til nine, which made him feel lazy, but in a good way.

Enjoying the warmth of the spring sun, he had stopped and bought a popsicle - the orange one with the crème-flavored filling that he hadn’t had since he was a teenager - and enjoyed every single lick and suck of it until he reached the very end. With a pout he devoured the last bite, taking delight in the way the orange and crème melted and swirled together on his tongue.

Tapping the stick against the tip of his tongue, he then placed it in his mouth. With the memory of the treat, he brought his hands behind his head, lacing his fingers together. Iruka could honestly say that he was enjoying the day off, content with nothing to do.

There was a tiny splatter of something wet and warm on his forearm, followed by another and then another. He paused in the middle of the street, arms falling to his sides as he craned his head back. There was hardly a cloud in the sky and yet -

He blinked as a drop fell into his eye.

Then, out of nowhere, it was like the dam broke. But Iruka, he didn't move. He closed his eyes and felt the rain, every little drop that landed on him and soaked through his clothes. It had been nearly cloudless out and yet there was still the will for it to rain.

Tiny droplets fell in unforgiving succession, effectively putting a halt to whatever activities the villagers were out and about doing. Tiny shrieks and yelps echoed out through the streets as vendors hurried to put up canopies and citizens rushed to get out of the sudden storm.

Iruka watched with amusement before the thought finally struck him that he needed to get out of the rain as well. He was already drenched and he saw no point in running like a chicken with its head cut off. He strolled over to the nearest building and pushed the door open.

And promptly bumped into a hard body.

The sensei's eyes widened as he realized just who he had ran into. "Kakashi-san, gomen."

The jounin peered over the edge of his book and was thankful for the mask covering his face and the blush that he was sure was spreading there. He had just been watching the chuunin as he stood in the rain, fascinated with the look of happiness he wore on his face even while those around him broke into a frenzy. The calm in the madness - it suited him.

He had rarely seen the chunin teacher out of uniform, but this...

The way his dark hair stuck to his skin and his shirt, completely soaked through, clung to his chest. The Copy ninja had to force himself to take even breaths as he allowed his single eye to roam the contour of muscle beneath the white tee. And oh kami! Were those his nipples hardening? Well it was rather cool in the store in comparison to outside...


"I didn't know it was supposed to rain today."

"Neither did I," the sensei said with a chuckle.

Kakashi's eye slid to the tensing of Iruka's abdominals as he laughed. All ninja were sculpted and lean, but this, this was downright criminal.

"I was going to head across the street and grab a bite to eat," Kakashi began before his brain could even argue against the formation of words. "Would you like to join me?"

Iruka was a bit surprised at the invite, but touched by it nonetheless. "Sure. Let's wait for the rain to pass though. I'm already soaked through, but there's no point in you-"

The bell above the door rang out as Kakashi opened it, stowing his book away. "I don't mind; it's just rain."

Iruka lifted his hand. "Uh.."

But Kakashi was already walking out into the downpour, his hair flattening and falling into his face. Iruka stiffened as the jounin turned around and gestured for him to join him with a nod of his head.

That Hatake surely is an odd one sometimes Iruka thought as he met him outside.

But then the jounin's eye creased in that familiar sign of a smile and Iruka chuckled to himself. He was sure they both looked a little odd - the only two in the middle of the street, smiling and walking together under the rain.


Iruka helps Kakashi dress (or undress). I'd like a closer look at what these guys actually wear instead of and then they were magically naked! Does it take a long time to unwind their leg bindings? How many layers are they wearing? What, exactly, does the well-prepared ninja wear?

Piece by Piece

Iruka would never admit that removing Kakashi's clothes piece by piece was just as much of a turn on as any other form of foreplay. Then again, he didn't have to admit it; Kakashi wasn't a genius for nothing.

So the Copy nin stood quietly, obediently almost, and watched with amused eyes as Iruka knelt before him, hands smoothing down the outside of the right leg of his standard-issued pants.

With gentle hands he lifed a foot and peeled away his zori. Then, placing the arch of his foot on his shoulder, Iruka began to undo the bindings there. Slowly, his hands circled the jounin's ankles, pressing feather light touches to the skin as it was revealed.

He was sensually methodical as he set the neat bundle of wrappings to the side and lowered his leg, and then turned his attention to the other, repeating the process. Kakashi loved how focused the chuunin was, giving such complete attention to every aspect of his uniform - of his body.

With the bindings around his legs gone, Iruka slowly raised, his hands dragging up the back of the Hatake's legs, sliding up the curve of firm buttocks and giving him just a tiny squeeze (and one killer smirk that made heat rush to Kakashi's cheeks).

The sensei detached the weapon pouch and set it on the counter that was just barely in reach and then he let his hands roam up the bulky flak jacket. Deft fingers pinched the zipper and there was the weak protesting grind of its teeth as Iruka gradually lowered it.

Such a quiet sound, yet it seemed so loud between the two ninja, proclaiming the promise of what's to come.

Umino began to push it from hard shoulders when-

"Careful, I have some important scrolls in there," Kakashi cautioned him in a soft voice as if not wanting to disrupt the atmosphere that Iruka had built.

The brunet only nodded, and instead of usually letting it fall to the floor, he held fast to it and lowered it gently down his arms. Then he rested it against the wall.

Iruka stepped closer and Kakashi could feel the chuunin's breath against his cheek as his arms circled him. His tanned fingers expertly undid the knot of his hitai-ate and it came away from his face. He gently closed his left eye and Iruka let his thumb ghost down the scar that bisected it.

Then he placed his palms flat against the jounin's strong chest. Languidly, they drifted down and he slid his fingers just under the hem of Kakashi's shirt. He ran along the entirety of his waist, pulling the shirt free and allowing Kakashi to sample his touch. Iruka didn't miss the way his abdomen tensed as he brushed along his navel.

With a more purposeful touch, the chuunin raised his hands, discovering each ridge of muscle anew while lifting the shirt resting atop his hands along the way. More and more creamy skin was exposed and Kakashi lifted his arms, and then up and over his head the shirt went.

Drawing nondescript patterns along his shoulder blades, the sensei's fingers fitted under the bottom of his mask, stretching the soft, thin material as he carefully pulled it away and over his head as well.

There was something about the bare-faced jounin that was just breathtaking. It wasn't even that he was incredibly handsome (as he had more of a boyish quality to his looks), but it always managed to make Iruka take a shuddering breath, and never failed to excite him even further. And it was always by this point that Kakashi could see the obvious evidence of his arousal. Still, he never commented on it; the silence (the quiet trust) was part of the intimacy.

Teasing fingers wandered along the expanse of fine chest and torso, skimming along scars, nails scraping tortuously over pink nipples, and down to the fine trail of silvery hair that disappeared beyond the band of his dark pants.

Warm, chocolate eyes turned up to hold the jounin's lone gaze as his fingers adeptly undid the button and lowered the zipper. Kakashi's eye watched intently as the sensei's pearly white teeth sank into his bottom lip as he began to push his pants and briefs down from his waist. The jounin's impressive erection sprung free and jutted out proudly between his legs.

The chuunin softly hummed, taking obvious delight in his lover's condition. Eye contact slightly wavered as Iruka lowered himself with the clothing where he once again lifted one foot at a time and removed the last articles of clothing from his body.

As he rose, the sensei pressed his body closer, trapping the Copy nin's hard member between them, hot breath puffing out against sensitive skin along the underside of the jounin's jaw. And then, a thought struck him.

"What about my gloves, sensei?"

Iruka slid his hand down Hatake's arm til his fingers wrapped around his wrist. He lifted his hand to his face and eyed the fingerless gloves. Hot tongue emerged and pressed to the jounin's pulse point and then slowly trailed up the inside of the glove, up and then twirled around his index finger, and then said finger disappeared slightly into his mouth.

Kakshi's breath hitched and his heart hammered in his chest, and then Iruka set his finger free with a soft wet pop and turned his heated gaze to his lover.

His lips twitched upward ever so slightly as he replied, "Leave them on."

The Copy nin couldn't restrain himself any longer and he took the brunet's face in his hands and hungrily sealed their lips together.


I've read various fics where Iruka reacts really badly to unrequited love and/or being betrayed by Kakashi. He starts drinking heavily, he self-injures, and he sometimes ends up dead. Writing and reading these fics can be cathartic ("those meanies will be sorry for hurting me *now*"), but I don't find it particularly IC for Iruka.

Onto my request: How does Iruka deal with heartbreak?

How to Deal

The first time Iruka was cheated on, he vowed it would be the last. How naive teenagers could be...

Now in his late 20s he found himself faced with that familiar predicament - the one that he said he'd never have to deal with again. But what was he to do when the person that hurt him the most, was the same one that made him feel the most love in such a long time?

If he hadn't seen it for himself, he never would've believed it. If it had been through word of mouth, Iruka simply would've brushed it away "No, you're mistaken. It couldn't have been Kakashi." or "He wouldn't do that to me."

He wouldn't have asked Kakashi about it either. And if he had, he would've believed any answer the Copy ninja would've given him. That's how much trust he had in him. When they were together it was obvious that the only thing Kakashi thought of was Iruka. And vice versa.

The sensei couldn't even count all the nights they had laid together - two halves of the same whole. But now... how was he supposed to be whole again when his other half was between the legs of another?

Iruka wandered the village aimlessly after that, the cloak of night hiding the moisture that was building in his eyes. He waved in return to some acquaintances as they called him over to the bar they were entering. He didn't feel much like being in the company of others, or drinking for that matter.

Nothing would be able to get the bitter taste out of his mouth. Why bother trying?

He had no idea how long he had been outside, just walking. Walking in circles. The same path again and again through the village. The same train of thought again and again through his memories. Why? How long? Why? What now? WHY?

He finally stopped in the middle of one of the numerous training grounds. His sight found the bullseye of one of the targets -red, like the Sharingan- and it teased him, antagonized him. Without a second thought, his fingers found the handle to a kunai and wrapped around it. In movements so practiced, he flung the weapon forward. He closed his eyes, imagining it cutting through the air with precision and then thunk! it hit the target.

Peeling open his gaze, his lips twitched just the slightest seeing that it had hit its mark perfectly. Bullseye.

He retrieved shuriken from his pouch, and did it again and again. He aimed and let his body flow through the steps of perfect technique, until he had exhausted his weapon stock and his shoulders burned and... and empty pride filled him at being so skilled.

So what? His skills didn't matter, not to Kakashi.

He trudged over to the targets and began yanking his weapons free. He'd do it over and over until he couldn't see. Until he couldn't see Kakashi with another person in his mind any more.

"There you are!"

The voice made him freeze. The gentle touch to the small of his back didn't help thaw him out either. The kiss to the temple of his head, however, made his insides boil. It made him question how many others kisses were traded between them after Kakashi had given them to another.

"You alright?"

Iruka seemed to remember then how to move and he continued to pull the shuriken free. "Just practicing."

"My little sensei is a perfectionist," the jounin drawled with a light chuckle.

But not perfect enough Iruka chuckled in response, a bit darker.

"Let's go home, I've been craving your touch all day."

"I don't want to."

Kakashi stepped back, a little surprised that he was denied. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"I'm at the training grounds, aren't I?"

"Not exactly how I wanted to get you all hot and sweaty, but I suppose it'll do," Kakashi said with a wink.

Iruka grit his teeth. Maybe he needed this. Hadn't Shizune told him it wasn't good to keep his feelings bottled up? If his feelings happened to come across in a few well-placed swings of his fists, it would be okay, right?

"No weapons. No jutsu, this is strictly hand to hand.... You can use your Sharingan if you'd like though," Iruka added as an afterthought as he laid down the rules.

"Sounds fair."

Fair? he mentally scoffed. He'd show him fair. Iruka swung his fist forward without warning. Kakashi wasn't prepared, but still managed to deflect the attack and counter with his own.

But Iruka wasn't going to slow down, he aimed again, throwing another fist at him. Kakashi went on the defensive, trying to put distance between them, but Iruka kept up with him. When Kakashi finally saw an opening, he attacked, his strike barely missing Iruka's shoulder. And then the roles switched and Iruka was grunting and huffing as he blocked each punch, every swipe of the jounin's foot. And then - impact!

To say that Iruka was miffed that Kakashi landed the first hit was an understatement.

"Score one for me," Kakashi stated smugly.

With a growl, Iruka came at him again. Kakashi was surprised by the fire in his chestnut eyes. Why was he taking this so seriously? It was fun at first, but the determination in his gaze was menacing. His stare was threatening. And he had never felt anything like that before coming from the chuunin. Especially not directed at him.

Iruka swore as Kakashi landed another hit.

"We can stop if you'd like," Kakashi suggested.

"No way! Not until I get a hit on you."

"You've done great, Iruka."

For a chuunin, the sensei heard the unsaid words. At least, part of his brain heard them.

Iruka swept his foot upward, barely missing Kakashi's jaw. Then again just missing a hit to his chest. And again, grazing his abdomen. One more time and Kakashi blocked, capturing the chuunin's ankle and disabling any further advancement. Then Iruka took a chance and jumped with a purposeful aim, leaving Kakashi the option to either let go of him or take a foot in the face.

The sensei landed gracefully on his feet as Kakashi stumbled backwards. He nearly didn't let go in time and the tip of his nose burned from the tiny impact of Iruka's zori.

Kakashi's brows furrowed in concern. What was wrong with him? "Okay, Iruka, I give."

"No you don't!" Iruka growled as he charged at him with a fist that he was sure was going to hit him this time.

Then suddenly the world spun and the wind was pushed out of his lungs as his body hit the ground. The stars twinkled before his eyes, laughing at him, before silvery hair blocked his sight of the sky.

"What is wrong with you Iruka?"

The chuunin was aware then of Kakashi's body atop his, hands gripping his arms firmly, legs pressed on his thighs, his breath fanning over his face. So close. Why did he have to be so close? Why wasn't he able to land one measely little hit? Just one? Was he that inferior? He never had been Kakashi's equal.

Iruka chuckled, refusing to look Kakashi in the eye. The chuckling became full out laughter, the sensei's shoulders trembling from the force. His cheeks turned a darker shade of pink as the laughter became uncontrollable.


His gasps for air melded into a harsher sound, hearty laughs turned into deep sobs. And his shoulders still trembled.

Confusion flitted across the jounin's visible eye. Had he gone mad? This was so unlike the Iruka he knew, it was troubling. Warning bells went off in his head, but he ignored them. Something was terribly wrong here, and he would ignore his own safety to figure out what it was.

He tentatively lifted a hand and placed it against Iruka's cheek. "Snap out of it, Iruka! Talk to me. What happened?"

Forcing his eyes to open, Iruka looked beyond the wisps of grey hair. His voice barely under control, the sobs still racking his body, he replied. "I saw you."

Kakashi hung his head. He didn't need to ask him to elaborate. He had a pretty good idea. He wasn't going to lie or deny anything with Iruka. It took too much effort and wasn't worth it, and Iruka was too smart to buy any of it.

Iruka hated the way he coud feel the jounin's hair press against him through his shirt. He hated the way his weight felt settled over his lap and he hated how good it still felt.

"I've been walking around the village all night, wondering why you'd do that to me. Wondering what it was that I wasn't giving you that you had to go find somewhere else. Wondering why I'm not good enough for you."

"Don't say that, you're more than enough-"

"Obviously not. I had my doubts and yet... I pushed them aside for you. I should've listened to my intuition, but I listened to you instead. And look at me now..."

Kakashi lifted his head and looked down at the broken man beneath him - the one he himself broke - and felt his chest tighten. The same kind of constriction he felt long ago before crying. Kami, when was the last time he had cried? he wondered absently.

"You're the only person in the world that could make me feel so loved and so unwanted at the same time." Iruka sniffled and let out a sigh. He could feel the inflammation around his eyes and the dull throb that beat in his head in synch with his heart.

"I'm sorry."

He almost didn't hear it.

"I'm sorry, Iruka. Please believe me. I'm so sorry."

"Me, too."

There was a loud smack that echoed in the training grounds, bouncing off the trees, and Kakashi found himself knocked on his ass. He stared, bewildered, as Iruka walked away, holding his hand to his chest. Shaking out of the daze, he pulled down the mask and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Great. He really hoped Sakura would heal him without any questions. At least Iruka got his shot in, the jounin thought with a huff.

There wasn't much talk around the village in the following days. No one questioned Iruka's hand injury or why Kakashi couldn't form a coherent sentence. When the jounin passed by the sensei, his heart would clench and he felt like his whole body would seize up if he didn't force himself to keep moving.

It wasn't until the day that Kakashi noticed the bandages were gone, and that he was confident in his pronunciation, that he approached the chuunin again. Well, he had stalked the chuunin and cornered him when he was alone would be a more appropriate description.

Inside the stuffy closet, Iruka glared at the jounin. "What do you want?'

"Just to talk. No more punches, please."

"Talk. I have papers to finish grading."

"I'm so sorry, Iruka. I know you're pissed off at me and rightfully so. I'll never be able to change it or take back those actions. I shouldn't have done that to you, you deserve better than that... better than me."

The sensei looked away. "To me, there was no one better than you."

"What can I do to get that back?"

"You can't."

The pair locked gazes and held it for what felt like a lifetime. Kakashi finally sighed and hung his head. "Iruka, can you... ever... forgive me? Give me another chance? Or-"

"I don't know and second chances don't come easy and-."

"I'll fight for a second chance!"

Iruka continued on, "And while I want to give you another chance, it still hurts. But maybe we can at least be friends again and see what happens."

Kakashi jumped at the offer and perhaps with a little too much zeal. He wrapped his arms around the younger man and placed his lips to his.

Iruka shoved him away and Kakashi instinctively held up his hands in defense. "Sorry, sorry..."

The chuunin only shook his head with a smile and a light sigh. "If you want to start making it up to me then grab that stack of boxes and follow me."

Kakashi obediently followed him out of the room, boxes in arms and the all-too-familiar eye crease directed his way. It would be hard, but Kakashi would do friendship if it meant that he could possibly have more again. And he was going to prove it to Iruka too, for however long he needed to.

iruka, fandom: naruto, fanfic, kakashi, meme

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