30 Days of Music (Day 20)

Apr 06, 2011 09:40

Day 20 - Your favorite break-up song

Hmm ... I don't care too much for 'ZOMG I miss you, I'm a wreck without you' songs. I find that songs which are more like 'You'll get yours, I'm better without you' are better to help with coping.

So I gotta say I like Lily Allen's Smile. It came out around the time I was going through some difficult shiz ...

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Although I have to admit that Alanis Morissette's You Oughtta Know was right up there too.

Right along with Justin Timberlake's What Goes Around Comes Around Don't judge me! I can feel your eyes! I like the song (and Scarlett Johansson's in the video)

30 days of music, meme

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