Rainy days, meatballs and writer's block

Dec 18, 2009 15:09

So it's been raining ... all day. Ever since early this morning it's been this slow and steady downfall.

It makes me sleepy. It makes me fell like having sex too .... *shrugs*

It's good weather for writing, sometimes I find that my creativity mimics the weather but today ...
I dunno ... I want to write ... I have ideas fluttering around in that space between my ears, but when I sit to hammer some fiction out I just lose it. Times like these, I need a voice recorder. Maybe I'll take a shower and solve my problems. My best ideas are born while washing my hair -.-'

On another note, I'm making Japanese meatballs today!

I love making them, They are so yummy-licious. My grand ma made them for years but now my obaasan rarely cooks them or any of her other great meals ....

So I've taken it upon myself to learn her recipes, when she goes there won't be anyone left to cook authentic Japanese meals. So I want to do it. I already know her meatball recipe and when I do make them the fam goes banana sandwich. They are always the first things to go.

I'm excited to be cooking tonight. I love it.

Hope everyone's doing well! *huggles*

babble, writer's block

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