[fic] Blindfold Entry [KakaxSaku]

Mar 05, 2011 23:02

Title: Feel
Kakashi & Sakura
Word count: 5600
Rating: Big Fat M
A/N: I have been sick/taking care of sick people for over a week. I was on medication for the better part of writing this, My apologies for what resulted from it. This hasn't been beta read so mistakes are mine. Thanks to superduperotaku (J-pop Princess) for organizing this challenge. I had a fun time writing for it.

It was a quiet night in Konoha, a welcome moment after the turbulent storms that thrashed upon the village and a greater area of the Fire country had finally moved on. The storms were so violent that trees were toppled over, buildings lost windows and even rooftops. There had been reports of mud slides and flooding farther north. In a nutshell, Konoha had been in a bit of a frenzy.

But tonight …

It had been nearly two days since the rain stopped falling and while all of Konoha was without electricity, the swollen moon hung brilliantly in the cloudless sky. It seemed so much brighter tonight, it was unreal.

Kakashi had been wandering about the village, taking in the remaining damage after leaving an “innocent get together” at the charming abode of one Shiranui, Genma. Sure, it had started innocently enough with practical male ribbing, one-upping and a month’s worth of lewd jokes told while playing cards by candlelight. Of course once guests of the female persuasion came (bringing alcohol with them, no less) the innocent night turned to favor more debauchery. Just because the village was out of commission, didn’t mean he needed to get drunk to pass the time. It was fun while it lasted, and he knew his friend meant well, but when he saw his opportunity to disappear, he did exactly that.

He was glad he did, too. As familiar and warm as the surrounding buildings were when their signs and lanterns were alight, Konoha’s natural beauty shone through without them. He stopped in the middle of the street and tilted his head back. He hadn’t seen such a dazzling night sky like this in a long time. It truly was a sight.


If one word could describe Sakura at this very moment, it would be: grumpy. She had traveled a full day during the tail end of the storm with only time to sleep since then. Her feet were caked with mud and her legs were covered up to her knees in brown splashes and speckles. Her hair was flat and pulled back into an unruly ponytail and on top of that she was sure she smelled pretty ripe. Why didn’t her team understand the importance of getting home to take a bath?

When they neared Konoha, she knew that something was amiss. The usual lights and noises of the night crowd did not welcome them back. As they all signed in, Kotetsu had the unfortunate task of informing them tat the storm had knocked out power to all of Konoha and while they still had running water, there was no heat or air conditioning.

Sakura felt her shoulders slump, this couldn’t be happening. Why her? Why now when she was covered head to toe in grime? The rest of her team seemed to feel a little bitter as well, but more at the fact that she had made them rush only to come home to this. Still, she offered no apologies. Now she had to figure out what to do about bathing and it seemed Kotetsu was reading her mind.

He bumped her arm with his elbow. “Here Sakura-chan, you could probably use this.”

Her eyes slid down to the tag held out before her. “What’s it for?”

“Me and Izumo came up with it. It acts as a heat source for water.”

“It won’t explode in my tub will it?” she asked skeptically.

“Well we’ve had nice hot baths while everyone else-”

“Hasn’t? This could really be helpful you know.” There wasn’t any accusation in her voice.

Izumo tsk-ed but didn’t look up from the second lamp he was assembling “We’ve shared and we gave one to you, didn’t we?”

Still a little apprehensive, but grateful for the gesture - and willing to risk an explosion to get clean- she took the tag. “Thanks guys.”

“Have a good night, Sakura.”

She waved over her shoulder and trudged on to her home, the hop of a hot bath and a clean, comfortable bed all that spurred her forward.

Sakura was actually surprised at how easily the tag had worked and how hot it made the water. It wasn’t the kind of bath she had pictured using her scented candles for, but it worked and she instantly felt one hundred times better after she finished scrubbing the remains of her travels off.

Even though it was hot, and there was no electricity, and she hadn’t had a decent meal in days (and she dreaded the thought of ridding her fridge of whatever had spoiled during the outage) she couldn’t have been happier to be home.



Izumo perked up at the familiar greeting, turning his eyes from the magazine in his lap. Kotetsu was already leaning out of their outpost. He knew he heard him, now where was he?

A small orange book dropped down from the roof and tapped Kotetsu on the head. The chunin jerked back and looked up. A head of silvery hair, more so in the moonlight on such a clear night as this, and a single eye crease greeted him.

Kotetsu grinned. “There you are!”

Izumo stuck his hand out and waved from his seat. “Hey Kakashi.”

“That tag you gave me really came in handy.”

“You know, you can use fire jutsu so I don’t understand why Kotetsu gave you one. Don’t you think that’s kind of lazy on your end?”

“That’s not the point. A couple pf the other men thought it was a great idea,” Kakashi retorted, his eye catching the familiar signature on the log. He knew it so well that it seemed to jump out at him from the long list of names. She was back, was she? Maybe he’d just happen to be in her neighborhood later and stop in and say hello.

“Take some more of them then and help us pass them out.”

“I’m actually quite busy tonight, I just thought I’d come by and let you know that Genma is hosting a little soiree that has quite the potential to still be in full swing when the two of you get relieved.”

Kotetsu’s mood seemed to shift and his drumming fingers increased tempo. “Thanks for the good news.”

‘Likewise,’ he thought. “You’re welcome.”

“So why aren’t you there?” Kotetsu continued on. “Are you getting too old for parties?”

“Genma’s older than Kakashi, you know that don’t you?” Izumo asked, the magazine once again holding his attention.

“Whatever. It’s not about how old you are, it’s about how old you feel, isn’t that right gramps?”

There was no reply however and Kotetsu, a little wary this time, cautiously stuck his head out and looked up. “Kakashi?”

“I wouldn’t do that, he’s going to get you,” his partner warned.

“He’s gone.”

“Eh,” Izumo only shrugged and flipped a page. “That’s Kakashi for you.”


Kakashi knew exactly where he was going, even if he did try to prolong it. His feet carried him across rooftops and down streets without him thinking about it. He knew the route by heart after all. His ... friendship with Sakura had changed a lot over the years and while a part of him embraced those changes, another part was guarded. It was because the most recent change - the one that toed the line between innocent flirting and something far more dangerous- was one that affected him more than it should. It made him weak and that was a bad thing, not being able to say no to her when she looked at him with those eyes.

Still, the idea of seeing her outweighed any concerns. He effortlessly walked up the tree outside of the apartment complex she lived in and leapt through the branches until he was outside of her bedroom widow. He raised his hand posed to know on the half open glass when he was sidelined. He couldn’t have come at a worse time (or perhaps it was he couldn‘t have come at a better time) because the exact moment he laid his sight on her was the same moment she decided to let go of her towel.

He was frozen and he could feel his cheeks grow warm. He knew this was wrong, he knew he should look away. Though t was only an accident, he knew that Sakura would knock him into next century if she caught him. Yet, he couldn’t avert his gaze as if that one swift movement would alert her to his presence.

There was something so womanly about her and he was very well aware of the fact that she was not a little girl anymore. The thought raced through his mind and sometimes it amazed him to think of how long they had been in each other’s lives - even if it was only as a shadow. She had really grown up, as much as he had been trying to deny it. Especially since right now they were not mere shadows in the background, but the blazing light for each other. They had certainly gotten closer and feelings had …

Well, he wasn’t sure what his feelings had done or hers for that matter. There definitely was something there, something that deepened their trust in the other, something that seemed to pull them closer together.

‘Which is why I really should look away!’ he warned himself.

The scar on her back, the slender definition of her legs, the curve of her ass, and the swell of her breasts all argued that he should look a little longer. They way the light from the candles licked across her naked skin enticed him even further.


Sakura squirted some more lotion into the palm of her hand and continued to moisturize after her refreshing bath. It was her favorite scent too, a warm vanilla and honey combination that Ino had turned her onto. She rubbed it gingerly into her arms and shoulders before getting more and progressed down her body. Her hand swept down the side of her breast. The contact felt pretty good.

She had been out on that mission for over a week with no kind of privacy. She wasn’t a sexual deviant by any means, but she was human and she had been feeling a bit hot and bothered for the last few days. But now she was finally home and didn’t have to worry about someone hearing her and she was in the privacy of her room and … yeah, it didn’t take much convincing.

When Sakura cupped her own breast, squeezed and then pinched the nipple in her fingers, Kakashi’s brain might have exploded - which would explain why all of the blood was rushing to another part of his anatomy. He should leave now, without a doubt. He could always come back later. How long did women take to masturbate? He didn’t know. Screw it, he could just see her tomorrow.

Then his ears picked up on a soft sigh followed by a heady moan. His heart began to beat a little faster as her hands slid down her toned abdomen. When he thought one would go lower it would only go back up to massage a breast or tug at a nipple.

Sakura was feeling very warm, her body already tingling in anticipation. She sat on the edge of her bed and spread her knees apart. She deliberately slowed her hand as it passed over her clit and then she worked a finger inside of her center. She was already so wet. She trailed a slick digit back to the apex of her mound and pressed against her sensitive button.

Kakashi couldn’t see exactly what she was doing. Looking in at her from the side meant that her leg was hiding the real show. Yet in true pervert behavior he lifted his hitai-ate. It was perfect, in his own kind of way, he could enhance what he could see and if these images were going to remain with him then that was jus at plus, his own little secret. Every other small move she made went noticed by him; the way she clutched at the blankets with her free hand or rolled a nipple in her grasp, how her brow furrowed and her eyes clenched shut.

He was achingly hard and confined in his pants and watching her tongue smooth across her lips and hearing every pant and mewl and moan did not make tolerating it any easier.

She placed the heels of her feet up onto the bed and her hips rocked against her hand. She continued thrusting her fingers inside her, the wet sound almost embarrassing, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. All she wanted was that high, that sensation that made her thighs shake and her body pull taut. She yearned for that instance of pleasure, that plunge into it and the absolute feeling of relaxation that came after.

Her fingertips danced in a frenzy over her clit. She gasped as the first tremor of bliss rippled over her. She was so close. If only those fingers weren’t hers. If only they weren’t fingers, but a tongue. A sinful tongue and even more sinful lips. If only instead of gripping the sheets she could find a fistful of silvery locks and she would lose herself as his crimson eye looked up and drank her in. That smooth voice of his would echo in her ears as he pulled away from her just long enough to encourage her to, ‘Come for me.’

Every syllable of his name came out clearly as she was swept away by her orgasm. Outside, Kakashi was shocked once again. The way she had called his name, it was enough to snap him out of whatever spell had been cast on him. She was done and he needed to disappear fast if he wanted to keep all the parts of his body intact. He couldn’t say the same thing for his mind though, it was officially blown. At least cold water was in abundance. He took one more glance at her naked body and then quickly left the same way he came.

Sakura quickly sat up. What was that noise?! She automatically snapped her head over to the window. Was that grey hair? She stood and her bare feet padded over to the window. There was no one there, but the branch outside of her room was lightly swaying. Covering her chest with her arm she began to close the window back with her free hand. She could have sworn that she could still feel his signature there and that she had caught a glimpse of him. Maybe it was all in her imagination.

“Hey Kakashi senpai!”

Or maybe she hadn't been imagining things at all.

In the moonlight, she could see a younger man across the way stumble toward Kakashi. So he had been there. Her eyes narrowed on his familiar slouch. He wouldn’t possibly have …

Then his gaze lifted upward and their eyes met. He seemed to stiffen up and he awkwardly looked away.

Dread filled her and she was humiliated, angry … intrigued. How much did he see? What did he hear? Sakura’s inner volume cranked up and with all the thoughts and questions and strings of obscenity, one thing sounded louder than the rest: payback. An idea began to form and before she could lose her nerve she decide to get dressed. She was going to get him back for this in the most obscene way possible. This would change everything, she knew, but she couldn’t dwell on it. If she did, she wouldn’t be able to carry it out. She slipped her shirt on over her head. It was time to pay her pervy former sensei a visit.


Kakashi still couldn’t wrap his head around what he had seen and heard. He had come to terms with the fact that Sakura had grown into an attractive woman some time ago and he had understood that what they had been doing for months now was hardly acceptable for their student-teacher relationship. But he didn’t truly consider that she might have or would ever think of him …

He shook his head, he had already taken one cold shower there was no need to conjure up those images again.

There was a sharp rap on his door. He briefly wondered who would be coming by to see him before reaching out to open it. Then he thought that maybe he should have pretended not to be home.

On the other side of the door, Sakura smiled and waved. “Hey Kakashi!”

“Oh, hello, Sakura.”

She noted the uneasy tone to his voice. “I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?”

“Oh, um … no, it’s not that,” he replied, idly scratching his cheek.

“Do you not want to see me?” she asked playfully.

He’d seen plenty of her and he was thankful for the mask covering his rising blush. He sighed and gestured for her to come inside. “When did you get back?”

“A couple hours ago. I would have stopped by sooner but I needed to take care of myself first.”

A strange noise sounded at the back of his throat and he coughed as a sore attempt to cover it up. “Of course.”

“Are you okay, Kakashi?”

“I’m fine. So, how did your mission go?”

“Great! Until it started to rain. My team was made up of some of the biggest babies I’ve ever worked with.” She grunted. “Traveling sucked,” she commented off hand as she made herself comfortable in one of the only two chairs that sat along his wall.

His gaze fell on her legs and he followed their movement as she crossed one over the other. They looked so soft and still so strong. He wondered what it would be like to trail his fingers up her thigh and …. Wait, wasn’t she talking? He should probably be paying attention.

“…You wouldn’t believe how dirty I got.”


She snickered. “I was pretty much covered head to toe in mud, it was awful.”

“Well, at least you’re nice and clean now.”

Her head tilted to the side. “You sure you’re feeling okay? You look a little tense.”

“Things have been a bit hectic because of the storm. All of our long range comms went down and we had to keep some semblance of order when civilians began to panic.”

“Do you know what I think would help you?”

“What’s that?”

Some good stress relief and I know the perfect thing.”

He wasn‘t sure if he liked where this was going. “You do?”

She nodded. “A massage.”

“I think it’ll be awhile before I can get to the springs and get a massage, but that is a good idea.”

“Why do you need to wait? I can do it for you.”

“No, Sakura. That’s okay. You just got back home and I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

“I don’t mind. You’d do the same for me, wouldn’t you?”

“Well sure, if you really wanted me to but-”

“Oh come on, I’m trying to do something nice for you and you know I’m good with my hands.”

Oh, the innuendo. She was going to be the end of him. He should just let her do this and they could spend a little time together and then she’d be on her way. He could put this whole incident behind him and she’d be none the wiser to it.

“Sure, Sakura, that sounds nice. Thank you.”

“Sure thing,” she beamed. “Take your clothes off.”


“Well you wouldn’t wear your clothes if you were getting a massage at the springs now would you?”


Sakura was reminding herself why she was here, that the whole point was payback, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t enjoy an eyeful or two of a very well toned body.

Besides, didn’t he catch more than eyeful of me?

With his back to her, he stripped himself of his shirt. She looked on with no shame as his muscles flexed enticingly, his shoulders broad … and firm … and her eyes fell to his waist. He was really going to take off his pants. She was nervous and excited and her inner self was cackling devilishly because her plan was working.

Kakashi twisted and looked back at her. “Sakura, this is really too much. Isn’t it a bit… inappropriate You were once my student and perhaps it would be better if I went to someone professional and-”

“I am a professional.”

He studied her for a moment and decided not to challenge her status even though the way she met his gaze said she dared him to. With a jerk of his hand he undid the knot the held his pants in place. Sakura fought the grin (and the blush) that threatened to slip onto her face. Gray boxer-briefs were the only thing that covered him now and goodness, why did he have to look so good? She mentally slapped herself, it was time to get to it.

Kakashi felt a bit awkward in front of her in nearly nothing save for his underwear and mask. He must look ridiculous. Maybe this was karma’s way of getting back at him. He had to suck it up. He looked at her questioningly. “So where do you-”

“The bed looks good. Lie down on your stomach.”


Kakashi quickly got into bed and laid down, he buried his face into his pillow. Not having to look at her made it a little easier and he could think of other things besides how the mattress dipped by his legs and how soft her hands felt as they met his calf. Her touch smoothed down his leg to his foot where she gingerly pressed into the arch, working her fingers in small circles. He knew Sakura only had two hands but sometimes it felt like more as they slid up and down his calves stroking and kneading. Her hands ventured further up his thighs, from the left to the right, taking time to ensure that the muscles were relaxed.

She looked up at him for any kind of reaction as her fingers neared his buttocks, but found none. He was the great Copy nin after all and she knew how good he could be at hiding reactions. She pressed into the back of his thighs firmly as she moved further up, expelling a bit of her chakra as she did so.

He hummed lightly into the pillow, whatever she had just done felt heavenly. He didn’t see it, but she grinned to herself. Her hands rolled up his sides, over his hips and she straddled over his as she continued up to his back. His eyes widened as he felt her sit atop his butt. Not that he really minded, but he never thought she would ever be sitting on his ass. Again, her warm hands shifted between large and small circular movements as they swept along his body - from the tender spot in his lower back, to up his spine and around his shoulder blades. And again, she sent little waves of her chakra into him, relaxing him further, sending little jolts of pleasure through him.

“That feels really good, Sakura,” he commented, his voice low and breathy.

“I was right, you do have a lot of tension,” she remarked as her fingers squeezed into his shoulders. He moaned in response.

While still sitting on his back she took hold of one of his arms and began to press her fingers into various pressure points, relishing in every sound he made. He was like complete putty in her hands and she loved the way that felt. She massaged every inch of his arm, even down to his palm and every finger before switching arms.

Kakashi never knew that she was such a good masseuse. Maybe he’d have to come to her instead of going to the springs from now on. He could save even more money that way. The idea almost made him giddy. He felt the bed shift and her lips were by his ear.

“Turn over.”


“I said turn over, I’m not done with you yet.”

Not wanting to be one to argue, especially since she was doing this for him, he obliged. She laughed at him as he faced her.

“What?” he asked defensively.

“Take the mask off.”


“Come on.”

He thought for a split second and then pulled it off over his head. She smiled at the sight of his bare face, as many times as she had seen it, it was still a joy to look at. He was still the same man with the mask off as he was with it on, only now she could tell he needed a shave. She nibbled on her lip as she looked down at him.

“That’s better.”

Her hands went to his neck where she softly caressed him down to where it met his shoulders. She continued down, over his pectorals, slyly applying some chakra as she passed over his nipples. He tried to fight it but he was sure she caught his sharp breath even though she didn’t comment on it. He watched her as she focused on him and what her hands were doing. She slid down his body to straddle him while her hands ran along his stomach, his hips, and pelvic area while still applying chakra.

She rocked as she leaned forward, gently kneading and he resisted the urge to stiffen up. She obviously didn’t mean to rub herself against him like that. He reassured himself of this and she didn’t do it again. She pressed her thumbs along the impressive v-cut of his hips, stopping just shy of going into his briefs and she bit back a smile while doing so.

Kakashi mentally cursed. Not now. Now was definitely, definitely not a good time. He was a ninja, a man of self control and discipline. Why couldn’t he control some parts of himself? This was so embarrassing …

As she moved down the bed again, she let her hands graze across the tops of his thighs and she stopped and noticed the impressive bulge. Her gaze slowly traveled up his chest to meet his. His cheeks were beat red.

“Um, I’m … I don’t know what to … I didn’t mean for-”

She giggled. “Please, Kakashi, it’s not like I’ve never seen man with an erection before.”

“Yes, but you haven’t seen me…”

“Good thing we’re changing that now, huh?”

“Cut it out.”

“I’m being serious, Kakashi.” And as if to prove she was, she ran her hand over him.

He shot his hand out and grabbed her wrist. “Don’t.”

She stared at him, hard. “You’re right, I shouldn’t. You should.”


“You should do it.”

He looked at her dubiously. “Do what exactly?”

“You know what I’m talking about. I want to watch you.”

“Watch me what?” he asked, voice raising.

“Do you really want me to spell it out for you? I want to watch you spank the monkey, choke the chicken, rub one out, jerk off.”


“It’s only fair, don’t you think?” she countered, her voice dangerously low. “After all you watched me.”

His eye widened and his jaw clenched. She knew. He was dead. But maybe he could reason with her. “Sakura, it was an accident. I didn’t mean to-”

“You didn’t mean to sit there and watch me finger myself? Yeah, that’s real likely coming from one of Konoha’s biggest perverts.”

“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“If you want to make it up to me, then do what I asked you to do.”

“You can’t be serious.”

She smiled sweetly. “But I am. All of this has been a part of my plan. You want to be even again, then put on a show for me.” She slid off the bed, her hand passing over his crotch. “If you don’t, I’m going to not only tell Naruto what you did, but Tsunade and Shizune, too.”

“I can’t believe you would resort to those measures, Sakura.”

“I learned from the best. Besides, it’s not like you don’t ever think about it. I’m sure you do. You know I do, now. So, I’d say loosen up but I’ve already done that for you. Lets have some fun.”

Oh my …. I can’t believe I just said that to him!!! Inner Sakura squealed.

Kakashi studied her, bewildered at what exactly had come out of that mouth of hers. She was completely serious. What now? If he didn’t do this, he had little doubt that she would do exactly what she said she would and he wasn’t very fond of being confronted by Tsunade about anything. And if it was over his peeping, then he could very well be confined to a hospital for months. If he did do this … fuck! It was all a matter of pride, wasn’t it? Fuck!

“Sakura …”

“Want some help?”


She watched, surprised as he slid his hand into his briefs. He was really going to do it! Her heart sped, but she kept her face neutral. With a shift of his hips and a few tugs he freed himself from his underwear. He had a very fine piece of male anatomy in his hand, if she did say so herself.

She looked back up at him. “Oh, and say my name when you come.”

“Do you have to watch so-”

“Just pretend I’m not here. Why don’t you think back on some of what you saw me do tonight if it’ll help.”

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was only half-hard and the knowledge of her in the room wasn’t making it too easy for him. But she did have a good point. He stirred up images of her caressing herself, rolling and pinching her nipples. Pictures of her tongue sweeping across her lip and how frantic her hand moved against her filled his mind’s eye.

Sakura watched intently as he stroked himself, as he became rock hard, his fist smoothing up his shaft to circle the mushroom tip before plunging back down to the base. Using his own saliva as lubricant he began pumping his cock strongly in his hand. She didn’t think that watching a man masturbate would ever be hot, but gods was she wrong.

Kakashi clenched his jaw, breathing roughly through his nose and between his teeth as image after image assaulted him. Memories of her harsh pants and moans filled him and he wondered what she could have been imagining herself as she brought her peak upon her.

“Talk to me, Sakura.”

She almost jumped. “What?”

“What were you thinking of when you were-” he grunted as he continued to brush along his length.

“You curious?”

“Very,” he replied with a huff, his brow furrowing.

“I was thinking that my fingers were yours.”

He moaned at the confession and she felt a bit proud at the reaction. If a little talking was all it took then …

She moved closer to him. “Then I thought, what if it was your tongue instead, lapping at my center, drinking me up and driving me insane.”

He hissed, his hand increased the pace and the pressure. “I … I can smell you from here, you know.”

“Really?” She wasn’t shocked, she sounded more curious he realized.

He nodded and opened his eyes for the first time since he started and looked up at her. “You’re turned on by this, aren’t you?”


“Liar,” he grinned, knowing that he was having an affect on her.

“Don’t stop,” she reminded him.

His mouth fell open, he could feel that sensation growing. He was close. Fuck, he was close. If only it was her hand wrapped around his cock, pumping him toward release, encouraging him on. Maybe after this was all said and done …

“Kakashi,” she called to him and he cracked open his eyes to take her in. He wasn’t expecting her to be right in front of him. The tip of her tongue brushed against his lips. “Come for me.”

Another pump of his hand and his balls tightened, his eyes clenched shut and it hit him hard. Her name came out in a harsh gasp as his seed spurted out onto his fist and thighs.

Ignoring the throbbing between her legs, she patted him on the shoulder. “See, that wasn’t bad.”

Catching his breath, he finally opened his eyes and gazed up at her. He should have felt embarrassed, disgusted, dirty … but he didn’t. Sakura didn’t know what to make of the look in his eye, but there was something burning there that only added to her own fire. He grabbed her by her shirt and before she knew what was going on, he had her on his bed, underneath him on her hands and knees. His chest pressed into her back as his hands lowered the zipper at the front of her shirt.

“Kakashi …”

“It’s going to take me a minute, but let’s do this right this time.”

“What? I .. I didn’t think-”

His lips nuzzled against her neck. “My fingers and tongue are going to be real this time.”

Her breath hitched as his hand slipped down into her shorts and traced along her slit before expertly finding her clit and rubbing it gingerly. His hot breath puffed against her ear as he flicked his fingers across her.

“And Sakura?”

She was dazed, enjoying his touch too greatly to even form a single word. “Hmm?”

“I can’t wait to hear you say my name again.”

*And my prompt was: sensual massage

fandom: naruto, fanfic, kakashi, sakura, contest entry

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