conversations that make me go "Huh?!" O_o

Sep 29, 2010 12:44

These are actual conversations I've had with people that I work with.

Me to other girl: Here, go sweep right front while I finish things behind the counter.

Girl takes broom and leaves. Ten minutes later I go to check on her. She's "sweeping" with the broom between her legs pushing the mess behind her.

Me: You're not supposed to ride the broom.

Her: *with attitude* So how do I do it if it's so wrong?

I show her the correct way to stand and hold the broom. She gets frustrated.

Her: Well I've never swept before, the maid does all the cleaning.

Me: So, what did you use when I asked you to clean the bathrooms?

Her: That blue stuff.

Me: You mean glass cleaner?

Her: If that's what that blue stuff is.

#2 - after a long night shift we decided to go to a friend's to have a drink. We go to the kitchen upon arriving and get down all the things to make our respective drinks.
This is not the same girl from before.

Girl: *staring at refrigerator* "Where do I get ice?

Me: From the freezer.

Girl continues to stare at fridge so I open the freezer and pull out an ice tray and hand it to her.

She looks at me funny: So what do I do?

Me: You crack the ice.

Her: Crack the ice? How do I do that?

I take the tray from her and show her how to do it.

Her: Oh wow! I've always just had the part on the fridge that gives me ice. I've never had cracked ice before. How does it taste?

Me: Are you fucking with me?

Her: *serious face* No, I've seriously never had cracked ice. Does it taste different?

Me: *blinks* It's frozen water.

Her: Hmm ... neat.

Her: *begins walking away* You've got to try some of this cracked ice!


I really have doubts on certain aspects of parenting and the educational system. This hardens my belief that some people should not produce offspring.

say what?, wtf

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