One down, one more to go

Apr 28, 2006 14:18

Whew! Japanes history exam done! It was all right; not as good as it could have been, but it could have been a LOT worse. I thought I'd do really well since I had prepared soem good essay answers based on past exams that had all the same questions -- but of course this had to be the one year that the prof changes them! Dangit. The two questions I ended up doing kinda the same, too. One was abotu the Meiji Restoration and another about the fall of the bakufu government, but the Meiji Restoration ended the Bakufu government. Basically, the first half of my first essay ended up being the second half of my second essay. Oh well. I was much more worried about running out of time, and even though I was kinda crunched, I got it all done pretty decently. Relief!

I'm so pissed at my computer right now. Yahoo finally has a shitload of new trailers but this stupid thing won't play half of them. I really want to watch the one for Pathfinder since I've been itching for a Viking-North America movie for years. The good news? They made one. The bad news? Um, from the two seconds I saw before the video pooped out... looks crap. I'm more pissed about the synopsis on the official site that says something about Vikings trying to "conquer" North America. Conquer? It was more like, "Hey there's some trees here! Let's build some houses, 'kay Snorri?"

In other news, Cirie on Survivor is totally my new hero. I <3 that lady.

movies, exams, school, tv, trailers

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