Nov 20, 2008 22:48
Ello world
I'd cut this for folk if i'd remember how to...
Every now and again i like to write a little summary of my "stuff". Is a good catch-all desciption i think. Although with several areas of the psyche and leanings, different people know different amounts of stuff, so it's never the whole story...
Job -
I've spent seven years doing a job i now know i feel added nothing of value to the world or people or anything. So to be made unemployed was stressy but a blessed relief deep down. I'm determined to do something that makes me feel happy with myself, so my dismal failing at an interview today for a similar post should feel okay. But i'm stressy about how to make ends meet in a while and finding that right thing. I'm 30 now and i need the right decision, but i've always been directionless and i still am. So, manky but harshly necessary i reckon.
Friends -
I has done good this year. Got loads more, got proper social life (imagine that a year ago...), actually i've got a far busier social life than i can probably afford given the job stuff. And a wee bit more confidence as a result. Getting there...
Relationships -
I has girlfriend. Genuinely. But that's tricky too - if you know me well enough, you'll probably know part of why. But yeah, confidence and doubt all stirred up in a pot. She's dead cool too though. We'll see eh? But we've been going properly for a month now. Fingers crossed.
That apart, anyone know good ways to lose weight for people who can't really cope with vigorous exercise? Needs seeing to that.
Cheers peeps.
p.s. I read this over, and i'm cheerier than this post looks by the way. I meant to sound pensive instead of miserable - i need to write better...