So much has happened over the last few short years of my life, and those around me. I moved, changed things around in my life, did my own thing, came back, and to a surprisingly different set of people, than I had left behind. My friends, acquaintences and highschool associates, went off to do their own things, 99% ending up in failure. And then there is me. I am not unchanged, and so very different now. Just a few years ago
Blake died and somehow I've never recovered from that experience. I find myself thinking about it from time to time, and when I do it fills me with a deep saddening regret, of which I cannot relieve, to no end, and not to mention the dreams/nightmares, of me reliving it, over and over again.
Recently my ex-g/f, Blake's ex-wife is moving away. She's going off to California, and marrying an obese man, who I do not care for. Although I shouldn't be involved in this, I am, and it troubles me. I don't know how or what to feel about it. I will do what I always do, wish her well, and hope that she can live a happier life. Since Blake's death we've become close by tragedy, although during the majority of their marriage she hated me. Ironically over the last few years she is one that I could confide in, and trust, or at least as much as someone like me can trust another person. I hope that things work out better for her, because she does indeed deserve a better life than she's had.
On another note, it is the new year afterall, and I look to this as a hope for optimism, even though I know that this nation/country is going to shit, esp. with the current leadership but despite all of that impending doom, I wish to leave this entry on this note: Happy Holidays to all of you.