My plan to finish a novel and then start the next one on Nov. 1 was unsuccessful. With work being busy and me being gone for a week, there just wasn’t time. The novel is still going well, though.
What does that mean for my NaNoWriMo plans? It means I’m cheating. I’ll still aim for a lot of words, but many/most of them will be for the book I was already working on. I’ll still start the next book right after this one, but it will probably take me into January.
Self-imposed deadlines are so easy to ignore.
Raccoon update:
He/she came back and ate more nuts, finished the last of the rat poison (?!), and ripped open the rest of the bags of tortilla chips. We’ve been keeping the basement door closed, so at least it didn’t come upstairs again.
Animal control sent us to an animal removal company. Their guy said the raccoon can probably open the chimney damper by putting its weight in the right spot, so I hung a bag of dumbbells on the chain. We also left a light and a radio on to discourage it, and moved the rest of the vulnerable food upstairs.
He also set up a trap by a tree whose branches overhang the roof. This morning it had a sad looking opossum in it. Probably by now the animal removal guy has released the possum and reset the trap. I’m not sure how I feel about the trap. Making the chimney impossible to get into would work better (but is probably more difficult).
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Elizabeth Shack.