Back from Worldcon

Sep 03, 2012 17:58

Had a nice drive home. My detour to Trader Joe’s took me through a forest preserve, which was a nice change from corn fields. Though I did pass plenty of those later.

Had a great time at the con. Spent time with old friends I don’t get to see often enough and met lots of wonderful new people. Didn’t go to a whole lot of panels, but the ones I did attend were, for the most part, interesting. Did I take notes? Not many.

Since getting home I’ve mowed the lawn and swept my deck. Now I’m doing laundry, finishing unpacking, waiting for dinner to be ready, and thinking about catching up on the internet. I’ve got a short story to trim, another to revise, another to write, a novel to write, and a small pile of critiques to do…in other words, life is back to normal.

Mirrored from Elizabeth Shack.


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