Mmmm, edible Sam and Dean - and Ash and Bobby....

Mar 18, 2007 15:35

Last weekend, krakkernuts had the inspired idea make Sam and Dean gingerbread cake men. Not being one to back down from a suitably fun/crazy challenge, I agreed enthusiastically, and this past Friday night we got together and amist the Obi Wonton Soup and watching of first-season DVD Extras, we had a really awesome time bringing this idea to life.

A little preview:

Pictures galore below! (And I should note that rather than making the entry even longer with closeups, I just hotlinked the images to larger versions of themselves. So if you want to see a larger version of a picture, just click on it.)


I had entirely too much fun shopping for decorations. We had fruit roll-ups for large pieces of clothing (which we didn't end up using), small silver balls for Dean's jewelry, different-sized coloured candies for eyes, cinnamon lips to make, well, smaller lips and injuries, chocolate and vanilla icing, and licorice for weapons, hat brims, books, computers, eyebrows, possessed!eyes and balls of angst.

Oh, and a bag of chocolates just to eat. *g*

krakkernuts, who's idea this was in the first place (yay Kate!), had the mold and the actual gingerbread cake recipe and ingredients.

We used a gingerbread cake mold. For anyone who doesn't know the difference between gingerbread men and gingerbread cake men (I didn't), the latter uses a normal, dead-easy batter that isn't fiddly and doesn't need refrigerating overnight or anything. You just pour it into the mold, cook, and voila! You do need the mold, though, since it's gooier and can't really be shaped.

Important note: make sure you put in the actual amount of flour needed, and not two-thirds less. *cough*

Spooning in the first batch...

...and voila! Our first batch. We had plans for them, and all the gingerbread men like them!

The first ones were kinda burned, and ended up being smaller than our later batches. If we'd realized this sooner, we would have saved the first ones to make Deans and had the other, larger ones as Sam. Oh well.

Decorating up a little storm. Kate had blue food colouring, so we were able to make blue jeans out of the white frosting.

Two more batches and a lot of decorating and checking screencaps for details later ("Yeah, Sam has that nasty burn on his left arm!" "What, his left or facing-him left?"), we had fourteen delectable lovelies. Ta daaah!


Posessed!Sam and Possessed!John
Not our finest work, being the first (no idea what we were doing yet) and last (we were getting tired) pieces we did.
Sam's got his black possessed eyes, little angry eyebrows, his scar on his left arm, and a knife.

John here is possessed by the YED. You can tell it's John from the stubble and...well, I know he doesn't actually hold a cellphone in any scene where he's possessed, but thanks to moonythestrals I think of it as an identifying trait of his. *shrugs*

Emo!Sammy and Wibbly!Dean
Speaking of moonythestrals, our wide-eyed versions of puppy-dog-eyed Sammy and wibbly!Dean come complete here with their own BALLS OF ANGST! (Which of course led to much childish chuckling of the "Where are their balls? Are you done with their balls yet?" variety. Hee!)

Towel-clad!Sam and Shapeshifter!Dean

Of course we had to get our boys at least partways nekkid. This was an early one, so we hadn't realized yet that brown icing to put affix Dean's necklace and ring was much less conspicuous. But hey, we have blue jeans and I think the towel worked out particularly well (Kate is a master with that icing).

Dirty boys
No, no, not that kind of dirty. (Heh.) This was inspired by eboniorchid, who suggested cinnamon to show the mud-covered Dean from the Pilot. And then I just couldn't resist doing a matching Sam. Notice their lips are kinda frowny since they don't like being this muddy. And this is the only pair where we successfully had Sam larger than Dean. (Here is where I learned I definitely can't do icing as well as Kate. Fortunately icing tastes just as good whether applied artfully or not.)

Mpreg!Sam and Slave!Dean
I know, I know, you're probably thinking "WTF?!?" But I wanted to do something for missyjack and eboniorchid. The demon-aphrodisiac-covered slave Dean (complete with chains and leather restraints!) is a little homage to Eboniorchid's story Bury the Hunter from her Evil!Sammy Universe. And she had the brilliant idea of an Mpreg!Sammy for Missyjack. Sam has a smiley face since he's so happy to be pregnant - aaaand Dean is not so pleased about being a slave.

Ash and Bobby
I have so many friends on my flist who love Ash and Bobby, I just had to do them too. So we have Ash, with his mullet and earring and someone else's beer. And why is he wearing no clothes, you may ask? Because! ASH HAS NO PANTS - ASH NEEDS NO PANTS!

Kate with her mad icing skillz and I with my licorice-fu took on Bobby's baseball cap together, and we're pretty darn pleased with the results. Of course he's got his facial scruff as well, and he's holding one of the many demonology tomes from his awesome library.

ETA: big_pink noted that Bobby, "saints be praised", is also pantsless. Which was of course deliberate and not just because we were focusing entirely on his hat. *koff*

Kickass!Sam and Kickass!Dean
And last but by no means least, we have our two favourite G-men: Sam and Dean all decked out and ready to kick some evil ass! Their layered clothing was lovingly rendered by Kate, including Dean's leather coat and Sam's recent flair for blue shirts. In charge of the equipment, I went all first-season and gave Dean the Colt and Sam is holding his trusty laptop.

And that's it! Sadly, we weren't able to do an Impala since it was just too logistically complicated without a mold. Perhaps others more crazy ambitious than us will go there. Hope you enjoyed our little show-and-tell! *bows*

supernatural, real life

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