Toronto Saturday picspam

Jun 27, 2010 14:11

For the curious and those far away, I thought I might as well share my pictures of Toronto yesterday as I went about my business (I'm still annoyed it conflicted with me participating in the protest - but given the subsequent indiscriminate arrests, maybe that was a good thing): downtown wasn't all as violent and dramatic as it looked on TV!

Looking south at Queen and University, 2:36PM. This was my first view of a substantial police presence - here, blocking University.

Looking north at Queen and University, 2:36PM, as the protesters are marching (peacefully!) down University from Queen's Park. I heard someone behind me say ominously, "They're coming." *snort*

Walking west along Queen, more police hanging out all over the place.

Above some are clustered at Queen and John...

...and more at Queen and Spadina.

I could have played a bingo game of "how many different kinds of police vehicles can you spot in one day?" I didn't even know cops had their own tow trucks!

And, when I got out of the gym at 4:30, one of the first things I saw was yet ANOTHER kind of police vehicle. (One other thing about police vehicles: there were so many buses moving police around I didn't even bother to photograph them.)

Walking east along Queen, approaching Spadina. So much for transit!

image Click to view

A short video of the protest scene at Queen and Spadina circa 4:45PM. As you can see, pretty laid back. Or, if you prefer pictures:

Looking east from Spadina along Queen.

Looking north up Spadina from Queen.

Military helicoper circling overhead. I found this, and this one... eerily silent, low- and slow-flying jet, particularly disturbing. Very "WE ARE WATCHING YOU." *shudder* The helicopter I only saw once, but that jet just circled and circled like some sort of creepy hawk.

Walking north on Spadina: folks waiting for a streetcar that's just not going to come. Look around, guys. This has turned into a pedestrian zone.

Toronto zeitgeist, indeed.

Other random protesters I came across as I walked north on Spadina and east on College:

Walking towards Queen's Park along College...

...where there was another line of cops, looking pretty laid back.

Protesters minding their own business at Queen's Park about a hundred metres away from the cops in the previous picture.

A couple blocks over was a different story, though: the only glimpse I got of cops in full riot gear was on Bay at College. This was as close as I was comfortable getting.

picspam, real life

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