
Jan 27, 2007 14:26

I was wondering where the hell January went, and then I remembered:
  • Taking a 4-week workshop at the Toronto Women's Bookstore on creating an anthology
  • Not watching An Inconvenient Truth for youth group, and chatting for a couple of hours instead. Good fun.
  • Getting together at bassringer's place, buying a couple of her awesome shirts and watching An Inconvenient Truth with her housemates
  • Monday night gaming, of course
  • Mad "decoupage" at Actiongrrlz. I love you guys.
  • Seeing Jesus Camp with Roo. Fascinating. What really distressed me about this movie was not the right-wing political and religious agenda of the subjects (well, it does, but that's not specific to the film), but rather the blatant, heavy-handed emotional manipulation of the kids to further shape them with specific beliefs and actions. Call me crazy, but pushing kids through emotional intensity hard enough to make them cry, repeatedly? Not okay. I don't care what your intentions are. The Q&A afterwards with the directors was equally interesting, and I really agreed with their asessment that the film acted as a mirror for the viewers to their own beliefs on the subjects it touched on. I had noticed it myself when watching the film: where the audience chuckled, outright laughed, or went dead silent made it pretty obvious they were mostly left-wing folk here for an inside view on the wacky Christian Right. Most left extremely sobered by what they saw.
  • Finally getting together with MemeThief  and
    w1ldc47 for a thoroughly enjoyable introduction to Torchwood
  • Finally getting together with
    nottheterritory and
    anidada for some quality time. And then being a headline in her LJ - cool!
  • Babysitting for the Hips and helping the Mongolias with bedtime on consecutive Thursdays (and then watching Supernatural, of course)
  • Seeing Pan's Labyrinth with
    bassringer and company. (Incredible movie. Deserves every accolade it's been given. Much darker than I thought it would be, and quite brutal in parts, though. I've never before heard large portions audience make "eeew" or "euuuugh!!" noises in the theatre - or maybe I just noticed since I was averting my eyes.)
  • Giving
    audreyovisual a bit of a hand moving stuff around at her place. And what stuff: I'm not sure I've ever been anywhere where I either owned or wanted virtually every single book on someone's bookshelf before...
  • Discovering more and more and more of my friends have blogs - YAY!
  • Watching new Heroes and Battlestar Galactica episodes with Twistedhip and Splink. THANK GOD the hiatus is over - and it's beyond so great to watch these shows with other people who love it too.
  • Seeing Brotherhood of the Wolf with
    nottheterritory, whch we've been trying to do for years. Absolutely worth the wait. Martial arts and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome-style fighting in 18th-century France? Awesome.
  • Trying desperately to catch up on 10-odd hours of Samurai Champloo. And two weeks of Bionix. After, of course, blowing through the entire first season of Supernatural.
  • Dinner with parents, work New Year dinner....and spending entirely too much time splashing about in the Supernatural fandom.
All of which means I've been doing a crappy job on my New Year's Resolution. And am feeling somewhat harried. But damn it's been fun!

real life, cool world, omg links

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