Reactions to 4.10 and Real Life, including teamaking EPIC FAIL *facepalm*

Nov 21, 2008 08:23

First things first: reactions to Supernatural 4.10

Personally, I loved it! (Well, except for the "slice of angel food cake" part. *rolls eyes* And WTF was with Alistair's accent? Is he, like, the Godfather downstairs or something?!?!)

There was a tree! In the plot! Even if only briefly and without much point! \o/ We haven't had a plot-tree since ...what, Scarecrow, I think? TREE LOVE! *cheers*

And Pamela came back! HI PAMELA HI! I MISSED YOU! YOU'RE AWESOME! :D "Pretty buff for a nerd." Heh.

I can see why Dean's confusing porn with reality when he has cheesy, cheesy sex like that. *SNORT* Fogged-up window?!? That's not cliche at aaaall... But still, Sam CALLING Dean on confusing porn and reality? PRICELESS.

BTW, does anyone know where that fogged-up window thing is from? I have a feeling it's been in some other episodes, but I couldn't place it...

I'm actually really enjoying the angels and demons thing. But I very much appreciate it that they're keeping it on a cultural-mythology level rather than delving into religion per se.

Okay, the sound one of the angels made when they were banished by Anna in the first few minutes of the episode? I knew that sound, and it drove me crazy until I figured out it was the blowing-stuff-up sound from Shadow Raiders, a computer animated production out of Vancouver from about a decade ago by the people who brought us Reboot...I think the show's also known as War Planets in the States? Anyway, if anyone's curious, you can hear the sound effect twice in this clip between 30 and 45 seconds in. (This shit I can remember?!? Dear brain, we REALLY need to work on your priorities...)

The blocking was beautifully done in this episode. I wish screencaps were up already so I could show you the two scenes in particular that stuck out in my mind.

And finally, Dean's confession. Yeah. Dean's carside confession in Season Two (specifically as seen in this video) was actually what convinced me to watch the show. And it was that times a BAJILLION. OH DEAN.

And honestly, I'm just so relieved Kripke didn't end it on a terrible cliffhanger, the boys could be picking their noses for all I care and I'd probably be happy, but no. We have EPIC ANGST. OH BOYS. <3 <3 <3

And on a related but non-spoilery note, can I say how much I love having people over to watch this show with? SO MUCH FUN. *smishes you all*

So, what else have I been up to in the last two weeks? A few things!

Last weekend I went to the Royal Winter Fair with Mr. Mongolia and torontoteacher and their kids, where a good time was had by all, and a crapload of really awesome food was eaten by Yours Truly.

Two weekends ago I headed up north to see my bro, his lovely wife and their six-month-old son (a.k.a. my NEPHEW! \o/). Had just a fabulous visit, including a craft show, some delicious calzones approximately the size of a house <--- seriously, check it out: they're bigger than the PLATE!, and entirely too much fun building little block towers and happily yelling "[nephew] SMASH!" when he'd crawl over and knock them down. Good fun. I must be only a couple years older than him to be so easily amused. XD

Two other things I kept meaning to post about last week:

1) neeuqdrazil's comment on my appetite at Stitch & Bitch last week: "[Den] doesn't have a hollow leg. She has POCKET DIMENSION." *dies laughing*

2) My truly EPIC FAIL at tea making. *rueful grin* At work I have this thermos I sometimes make tea in, and because I'm still using the loose tea from A Certain Someone On My Flist Who Shall Remain Nameless my tea-holding options are limited. We've got this spoon-like-tea-ball but if I try to hold it while pouring boiling water over it obviously I'll burn my fingers, and if I just let it drop in, again I can't fish it out without burning my fingers. So audreyovisual came up with this awesome idea of using a spoon this way:

So I made the tea in the thermos, and was walking back to my desk with this whole get-up thing - when the spoon slipped out, dropping the tea-ball-thingy into the thermos. D'OH!

So I go back to the kitchen, pour the tea out into a big bowl so I can fish out the tea-ball-thingy, still manage to burn my hands on the tea-ball-thingy even with the water out, spill tea EVERYWHERE trying to then pour it back into the thermos (what? it was still perfectly good tea!), and to top it all off, proceeded to rinse the now-very-hot glass bowl under the water. The ice-cold water I'd just used to cool my burn. Hot glass bowl...cold can see where this is going, can't you? *sigh* Yes, there was an ominous "TINK" sound that I recognized instantly from my old stained-glass days as the glass cracked rather spectacularly and irrecoverably.

EPIC FAIL, guys.

(And I've been trying to find a big cheap-ass glass bowl to surreptitiously replace the one I broke. But can I find one now that I'm looking? Nooooo. *long-suffering sigh*)

Last, but by no means least, I have finally borrowed the necessary equipment to convert my old tapes to digital format.* So I've been taking a hilarious trip down memory lane with all my 80s and 90s music. MY MUSICAL TASTE. YOU GUYS. *dies laughing* torontoteacher and I had way too much fun on Monday evening singing dramatically along to "The Glory of Love" and "Didn't We Almost Have It All".

In short. My life? She ROCKS.

*In case you're wondering why I don't just find the stuff online and download it, a lot of the stuff I'm transferring is either (a) music I like enough to want to take the time to tape but not enough to pay for again (and stupid ethics I can't seem to shake won't let me download them for free. Stupid, expensive, inconvenient ethics. *kicks them*), (b) really freaking obscure or (c) mixed tapes or real-life recordings.

supernatural, real life

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