Title: Winter and Spring
Pairing: Kyuhyun-centric, Kyusung
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Angst, Drama
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I wish I own them but I don't and the story is inspired by my favorite
Lenght: One-shot
ohmygengSummary: True love doesn’t have a happy ending, because true love never ends.
Letting go is one way of saying I love you... )
But yeaahhh, it took me forever. I had this fic open in my tabs ever since it popped up on my Friend's page, but I kept putting it off cos I was all happy and giddy and not much in an angst mood. But today, I needed inspiration to write an angsty fic I have to finish for a deadline and I remembered this fic and I read it and I'M TOTALLY INSPIRED NOW and this was beautiful, Den! :D
I particularly love the opening and ending lines. The opening verse really sets the atmosphere for the story, and the ending wraps it up with a really gorgeous bittersweet touch. This was beautiful Den!
I'm not familiar with Fruits Basket - don't have all that time to be reading so much manga - but the idea of Kyuhyun turning into a turtle is very fitting, indeed. LOL No wonder Jongwoonie couldn't resist him xD
And Jongwoon and Donghae's reaction to Kyuhyun's transformation - ahahhaa I laughed out loud at that. So typical xD
The fic is very melancholic. But I like how it turned out; that Jongwoon was able to find happiness again, though he still remembers Kyuhyun (but I'm confused about that. Didn't Kyuhyun wipe his memories? So, why was he able to remember Kyu?)
And I creeped on your comments and I see Jongwoon is all set on marrying Sungmin xD YAYYY Haha I can't say no to YeMin xD My obsession with "awkward" pairs in SJ knows no bounds xP
But nyuuuuu~ Kyu! T-T Will he suffer from pain forever? ;-;
Jaejoong you bastard xD
This is great, Den! I'm looking forward to your future fics ^^
I'm glad this miserable fic inspired you to write some angst..thanks for finding its beauty despite the utter nonsense of this fic :D
It'a an amazing manga!! Really beautiful~ It's a seahorse really but, I figure a turtle would be most fitting..xDD!!
I had a bit of fun in that part :D
Actually what Kyuhyun erased was their time together..not his existence on Jongwoon's life,,so that's why he still remembers Kyuhyun :D I felt really depressed when I was writing it,,so this is the outcome :(
And yeah...YeMin FTW!!!
I might...emphasis on the might...make a sequel of it someday~
You're such a great friend...this is really horrible yet you still had a lot of things to say,,your long comments always makes me happy,,its something Im always looking forward for...Thank you very much Arvy!
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