Title: Winter and Spring
Pairing: Kyuhyun-centric, Kyusung
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Angst, Drama
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I wish I own them but I don't and the story is inspired by my favorite
Lenght: One-shot
ohmygengSummary: True love doesn’t have a happy ending, because true love never ends.
Letting go is one way of saying I love you... )
0_0 a seahorse? That'd fit SiHae!
Oh...now that was one hot dance, troublemaker. I always love watching it..Hyunseung and Hyuna~
LOL!! Sihae..totally didn't think of that!! Amazing Alice :D
Now now, B2ST are probably my second favorite K-Pop band, only that I have no biases in there. Seriously can't decide since I like them all. Never happened with any other band.
If Siwon were to be a seahorse Hae would have to adopt him. *sigh* Here's a case of "another pairing I'm sorta fond of but cant imagine writing to save my life". FML to hell.
When it comes to B2ST I love Yoseob and Hyunseung...but I totally love the band...also my second favorite :D
xDD!! I can't write Siwon too without making him a walking cliche~
You like B2ST too?! *does a happy dance*... nope, I still like all of them. Pairing-wise I think 2Jun are really funny with their "Hello, I'm the leader" - "and I'm the wise-leader. *cough*"... and "Hello, I'm Junhyung and I've kicked our leader outta the band"... cause if they were a pairing they'd bicker 24/7. But I'd seriously read/ship anything.
I've written Siwon and have made him a walking cliche... so guilty of that. People forgave me though, cause it was crack. (It was supposed to be a parody on the WonKyu pairing... cause a shipper was all 'why don't you write my OTP...' Beh. Then it just sorta transformed into fluff. Crack/fluff.)
Yes I like them very much *does the happy dance with you*...strangely enough I don't have a pairing I ship with them..I also read anything~ But 2Jun can seriously be a good pairing..a cat and dog relationship..like Hanchul..xDD!!
That's good if its crack :D I really want to write him but..oh well..I don't write crack so there's no way they'll forgive me if Siwon turns out to be the biggest cliche in the world :D So you was forced!! xDD!!
Well, I'm not sure how hard I should make him bite. I mean, if it's too hard it'll end up a deathfic and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Plus I suck at Korean mythology and have probably watched way too much Supernatural. (Ooh a monster... we should totally gunk it.)
Well... my friend hates me for introducing her to B2ST cause seeing Hyunseung makes her squeal at her laptop. And talk aloud. Something along the lines of "OMGosh wae you so cute?!"... poor girl. They'd be something in between HanChul and KangTeuk, cause Junhyung has apparently accepted the role of 'band umma' seeing as he introduced himself as such. I'm confused, wasn't he manly? 0_o
Yup... I've been forced to into writing a WonKyu *shrug* Now how could I possibly be forced into writing something else...?
Then just a mild bite, how bout that?? Character death is really hard...and depressing :( No knowledge whatsoever of Korean mythology too~ (Maybe you're right :D Though I really like the idea)
My friend and I always became a crazy fangirl everytime we see Hyunseung..that guy is seriously destroying my sanity~ or what was left of it :D you crazy girl, i don't think Junhyung fits the role of umma the same way Leeteuk fits it~ He's too manly for the job :)
Should force you to write YeMin too :D
I don't think Jun fits that role either, just heard him say "Hello, I'm umma." or something along the lines in an introduction once. He must've been dared xD
YeMin, KyuWook, MinWook and the likes of it. As in one day I'll probably end up writing every possible KRYS combination besides KyuMin, simply cause I'm not sure the world is ready yet for my personal perception of that pairing. *giggles to self*
Yeah, he's the type who will be saying those lines...its really...awkward..xDD!! Maybe he was forced :D
KRYS!! My most favorite~ I like YeMin, I like Minwook too, I can bear Kyuwook, but I hate, and absolutely hate Kyumin!!
I bet he was forced by Doojoon, Doo was smirking right beside him. I'd still honestly read any pairing in there xD
*shudders* Such strong hatred! LoL. Yeah, I dislike KyuMin too, but for reasons so different than 'I ship them with other people' that I think I'm gonna withhold them reasons for now. xP Though I am kinda secretly fond of the really awesome, long YeWook AUs that keep popping around. ;)
Me too...B2ST is <3
LMAO!!! I guess more than the actual pairing, Kyumin shippers is what makes me hate them,,they're too overrated and their shippers are so desperate~ Now I'm curious..xDD!! I love Yewook!!! The first Yesung pairing I love~
Hmmm, that's a very valid point you're making. Some shippers are just... *trails off* Well, it's either that Min is a woman, a slut or overly-submissive to the point where he has no personality besides being Kyu's accessory. Or all of the above. I might still read a KyuMin fic if it seems interesting and like they're both... you know, male and acting out of their free will, but mostly I've just given up.
..and IDEK, most people except me to avoid YeWook like I do with KyuMin. =/
Yeah...they could be real irritating~ Got a point there...it seems to be Sungmin's daily role, its really tiring to see...no wonder Ain likes Sungmin to top in her YeMin fics..xDD!! (Ooops,,I forgot Ain's creeping on my journal and will probably see this..she said she sees her name everywhere :D)
I wonder why...Yewook is adorable..they're <3~
Uh oh O|¯|_ ... Really? Well, it's okay. I want YeMin to switch. I also want KyuSung to switch, but my writing abilities don't go that far yet, so I can keep wanting. *long tired sigh*
I dunno... I tried disliking them but I couldn't. Wook wins me over each time, I guess.
(nice disguise :D Totally subtle, not obvious at all)
I like Yesung to top...always..xDD!! So your fic is totally okay for me~
He's totally adorable...those who can resist him has a heart of stone :D
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