Going Green, Inside and out.

May 26, 2008 23:49

Being environmentally conscious or "going green" is becoming a fad these days since the effects of Global warming are being observed for the past years. Unfortunately, most Pinoy consumers prefer plastics and other non-biodegradable products than their eco-friendly counterparts that are quite expensive.

We can still be "green" in our own little ways (without money to burn, too much). I have recently joined the green-bandwagon -practicing some of the 3 R's (reuse, reduce, recycle) and purchasing things that will hopefully make Mother Earth smile.

Some green forming habits I've been doing (and I wonder for how long I can keep these up):
  • Unplugging tvs and game consoles after use.
  • Switched to Compact Fluorescent light bulbs in my room.
  • Use a cup for gargle after toothbrush
  • Use the same cup for drinking water for the day
  • Bringing my B.Y.O.B when doing grocery instead of using plastics (then again, I sometimes forget to bring the bag)
I guess I'm a "very light-green" person. Although come to think of it, its really hard to be pure green with all these things to remember and be a little cautious on buying things that will harm the environment. Some eco-friendly products are not as practical to use than the ordinary stuff we are so used to.

On a bright side, there are some interesting eco-friendly items to own and use. I was browsing some on-line stores with their products that are easy to the environment but sadly some stuff is not easy on the wallet. Still, it is nice to know these things are a big help to other people (by creating jobs for making these products) and at the same time, minimizing trash and saving the earth.

Some things that piqued my curiosity. I only have the B.Y.O.B., Melissa Glam and the CFL bulb. Most products are available overseas and some are pretty expensive. If cashing out is not a problem, I'll at least buy two or three items. The recycled pull tab handbag and "A container for one thing" decor looks unique.

Eco-chic fashion

[image above, clockwise from top left]
B.Y.O.B. Luntian bags (PHP 100-110),
Melissa shoes: Glam (PHP 3395.00),
Recycled pull tab handbag ($105.00),  Jimi wallet ($15.00)

Natural home decors

[image above, clockwise from top left]
Recycled Magazine mirror ($52.00), A container for one thing ($26.00),  
Karpos Vase ($380.00),  Coiled Bamboo bowl ($29.99)

Cool Techie gadgets/Lightings

[image above, clockwise from top left]
Soldius Solar charger ($89.99),
Philps Compact Fluorescent bulb (price depends on watts),  
Candeloo/Toolis lights ($39.00),  Sanyo Eneloop batteries

shopping, going green, daily living, internet

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