(no subject)

Jul 18, 2007 15:20

More detailed update of what I've been up to:

It was what I wanted to do for a long time, I've always been fascinated by science and thought rather quixotically  that if I could inspire the next generation to take up science the world would be a better place.
Unfortunately I discovered the next generation don't really give a fuck and the governments of the past decades have made it very difficult to teach actual science.
Pretty much sums up why i hated teaching physics

Combined with that my absolute hatred for essays (something I’m trying to combat by posting more entries to get used to writing) and the complete bollocks that is developmental psychology meant I really hated my course and got very little out of it.

I also realised I am an intensely lazy person and would have been a shit teacher due to lack of preparation (planning lesson 5 mins before they're meant to begin does not a good lesson make).

It’s something I will definitely give another go at when I’ve matured enough to get the work done on time and really put my all into it rather than what was required to scrape through. Some of the best teachers I had and worked with had spent time outside of education and brought important life experience and anecdotes to the classroom.

So that’s why I quit.

Apart from that I‘ve done very little due to the time taken up by my course.

Some televisual gems I’ve discovered in the past year include:
The Venture Brothers
Sleeper Cell

Plus the continued watching of Peep show, Oz, 24, Sopranos etc.

I’ve also crumbled under the combined geekery of Schtom, Ste and magic tom and got into WH40K, I discovered I really enjoyed the painting aspect of it and have a pretty well painted Van Saar Necromunda gang and the beginnings of a tyrannid army (which is taking bastard ages because they’re fiddly and there’s a shit load of them)

I may even post some pics because I’m quite proud of some of the detail I managed to get on the models.

I’ve also started going to the gym again and will consider going jogging once I’ve shifted some extra weight so my knees don’t explode and I don’t wobble too much (my jogging pace seems to also be the exact resonance frequency of my moobs leading to low energy efficiency running)

Depending on how I manage with the running I might enter a charity marathon at some point in the future, but don’t count on it.

Currently I’m unemployed and finding many physics related jobs require a fair knowledge of programming so I need to learn C++ at least.

Any hints/tips from the techy types out there on learning or on easy projects to set as targets?

Despite what I may have said about post graduate education I’m considering a master run by the UoN physics department in Nanoscience which looks really interesting and has massive prospects for industry applications and may even lead to a PhD if I’m motivated enough by then (My ability to work and focus is what has put me off before )

But until then I’ll be looking for a job and somewhere to live around Nottingham next year.

Well that was long and rambling so I’ll leave you with this
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