
Dec 13, 2001 18:56

Hmm. I'm rather too tired to update this right now, but I probably should. I'll make it short. (Yeah, right.)

Classes are almost over. My Acting coach gave Betty and I fifty extra credit points apiece for the work we put into our final scene. That puts me well over the 100% mark for Acting. As far as the other classes... my honors seminar is on a pass/fail basis, so no problem there. My animal science class went well... A in there. Sci Fi was spectacular. Today the professor invited us to come to her book club meetings, every other Thursday night. They're a student thing, but she advises the meetings. I'm thinking about participating. Anyway, I've got a definite A in that class as well. Kind of sad, this being the last day for that class. Rob gave me a hug when we said goodbye. I'm not a huggy person, so I never would have hugged him first, but it was a nice gesture. ~thinks~ Probably an A in my fiction writing class... the prof told me not to worry about it, so I'm assuming if I do well on my revisions that I'll pull it off. So, the only hitch is Physics. I did some calculations (okay, a lot of calculations) yesterday. Even if I receive 100% on the final, I'll only hit 89.5% overall. The lowest 'A' is 92%, with very little curve. ~shugs~ So probably either a B+ or A-. Disappointing, but I'm satisfied with the 4.0 I had last semester. This isn't exactly an easy college, and I'm not exactly in an easy major. Besides, after further calculations, I determined that my cumulative GPA will either swing .01 points up (that would be with an A in Physics) or stay the same (a B in Physics). So, big deal. Right? Right.

Talked to Adam on the phone last night. Twice. ~laughs~ It was... nice.

Moulin Rouge hits the stores and rental shops on December 18th... next Tuesday. You can bet I'll be right there to snatch up a copy. ~eyes sparkle~ Oh yes, it will be mine.

Hmm. Not much else is new. Been running and to the Rec pretty regularly lately. Dunno what I'm going to do when I get home, for exercise. Dad would say, "Grab a shovel and start scooping!" Which, you know, isn't such a bad idea. They always need the extra help in the winter time, and I owe him for various car repairs. The only problem is that it's such physically demanding work... especially when I feel like I have to keep up with my brother. But I should just accept that he's genetically dispostioned to be stronger. I just remember a point when I was outside helping more than he was, and he helped Mom inside. Then we got older, and he started working for money and I started spending all my nights on homework. So he knows about 500% more about the farm than I do. ~sto at her bro~

Our family is taking a trip to Georgia to see my Grandfather, sometime after Christmas. Should be fun. Dustin's not going, so the rest of us (four) are taking my Blazer. The nice thing about that? Mom's going to pay to get it all fixed up before we go.

I need to decide what to get certain people for Christmas. I want to get Julie a pair of fleece socks and the book Jaran. I just hope I can find it around here.

My honors project is almost approved. ~grins and spins around~ I'm actually looking forward to completing it next semester. It gives me a good excuse to sit down and write... poems, fiction and non-fiction, all about agriculture and growing up in Iowa.

Did I mention it finally snowed here? I remember bragging to Brai and Ra about our harsh winters, and we didn't get snow until December 13th!! And only a light covering at that. I had rather rosy cheeks as I biked to classes today. But I like having a cold face. It's quite invigorating.

Another interesting fact? Gas is now below a dollar a gallon! Yep, 99 cents per gallon now. Isn't that incredible? I remember, late this summer or early fall, having to buy it for $1.80.

I should depart. I leave you with a poem Jam sent me once. It's been on my mind lately, because things are looking up... school's almost done, I like this cold weather, and best of all is that friend in Wisconsin. ~smiles~

High Flight
by John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings.
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling
mirth of sun-split clouds, and done a hundred
things you have not dreamed of - wheeled
and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence.
Hovr'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along,
and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up, the long, delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
where never lark, or even eagle flew.
And while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

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